Giving thanks for God's faithfulness!

One of the simplest and best ways I have found in these strange days to stay steady and on track has been to count my blessings, however sad I have felt, and to give thanks to our merciful loving God for his grace and wisdom. How have you stayed steady? What daily practices of prayer and reflection have helped you?

On this, the final day of September, we join with Christians across the UK with a prayer from Prison Fellowship… simple, powerful, eternal…

Let us pray….

As we look back over the past month and forward to the next one, we remember God’s faithfulness and we trust in His goodness for our lives, our work and for every person we interact with in prison.


The October prayer diary will be out soon - join us as we pray through the days on the coming month…

“The Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.

For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!”

Isaiah 30:18

(photo courtesy of Ben White at Unsplash)