Making plans for Education Sunday? Let us help you out

For well over one hundred years there has been an annual recognition of Education Sunday in England and Wales. It is a national day of prayer and celebration for everyone in the world of education.

This year it will take place on 13th September - next Sunday!

Whether you have a service and activities in mind for marking this on the day itself or wish to use the materials and resources later in the year, they are all available to download and share HERE.

 "A learning people in a time of change".

This year Education Sunday takes place at a time when many children, young people and staff have been away from schools, colleges and universities and have been working in different ways. Churches, too, have had to learn and adapt, whilst still maintaining a pattern of worship. This is a time to think about what we have learnt about ourselves, about our communities and about God.

Find out more and join in the day of prayer and celebration in your church, home and groups…

(photo courtesy of Max Saeling at Unsplash)