Prisons Week Panel: 12th October 2021 7-8.30pm online panel discussion on theme of 'Respair': the return of hope after a period of despair

Prisons Week Panel

You are invited to be part of a fascinating online panel discussion based on the theme of Respair – the return of hope after a period of despair, on Tuesday 12th October 2021, 7pm – 8.30pm

The evening will be chaired by Rt Rev’d Rachel Treweek, Bishop of Gloucester and Bishop to Prisons, reflecting on the theme of Respair over the last 18 months, in the personal and professional roles of panellists. The panellists are: Lyn Brown MP, Shadow Minister for Prisons and Probation, Kashmir Garton, Head of Faith, National Probation Service, HMPPS, Rev’d Lesley Mason, Managing Chaplain HMP Send and John O’Connor from Junction 42, a man who has experienced being both sides of the prison wall.

The panel will explore the challenges and opportunities that remain for all caught up in the criminal justice system and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

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(cover photo courtesy of Headway @ Unsplash)