Praying for Prison Chaplains

Prison Fellowship invite us to pray for prison chaplains on the last Sunday of February. This has been a particularly challenging and difficult time for those serving as chaplains in our prisons, so join us as we offer heartfelt prayers to God for their work and who they seek to support and minister to.

Living God,

We ask God to give prison chaplains insight to see where the need is greatest, guidance to direct their attention to the men, women and young people in their care who are most in need of support.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers. Amen


May I also invite us all to pray for the work of Rev Bob Wilson, Secretary for Prison Chaplaincy and Free Churches Faith Adviser, in the chaplaincy work he does at his local prison, as well as all the vital work he does to support Free Church prison chaplains across England and Wales.

Sara Iles, FCG Media Support Officer


Bob Wilson is the Free Churches Faith Advisor to both publicly and privately run prisons. This work sees him regularly visiting all 124 establishments across England and Wales for both pastoral support of Prison Chaplains, and to support prison management in their recruitment needs.

(cover photo courtesy of Jon Tyson @ Unsplash)