Missing loved ones...

Over the last year, I expect we have all been missing our friends and families. It has been an unprecedented time of challenge and hardship. It has been an especially testing time for those with family members in prison as visiting has been restricted or not available and for those who are in prison and who have been unable to see their families for such a long time…

Please join us this coming Sunday to pray with Prison Fellowship

Lord God, give courage and assurance to people in prison who have not seen their loved ones for many months, and who are worried for their families.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen

You can find out more about the vital work Prison Fellowship are doing in these challenging times and have been doing for over 40 years HERE.

The Prayer Diary for March is available for you to download, share and pray along with during the month of March.


(cover photo courtesy of Anh Nguyen at Unsplash)