"Talking about death doesn’t bring death closer. It’s about planning for life, helping us make the most of the time that we have...."

“Talking about death doesn’t bring death closer. It’s about planning for life, helping us make the most of the time that we have….”, so a leaflet produced by Dying Matters says…

Since the Dying Matters Coalition was set up in 2009, they’ve created a wide range of resources to help people start conversations about dying, death and bereavement. These have been a great success and used by a host of different organisations including hospices, hospitals, care homes, community centres, financial advisers and funeral directors have all used them to successfully raise awareness in their area.

We all need a bit of help and support to enable us to raise conversations about death and dying - for our own death, the death and dying those we love or those we minister to in our churches. Help is at hand! Dying Matters have produced a range of useful, sensitive and informative pamphlets to support us in doing this.

Why we need to talk more about death and dying

We are featuring these resources and sharing them with you as part of Dying Matters Awareness Week 2021 - Being in a good place to die. You can find out more about the important work of this Hospice UK led coalition and how we can get involved HERE.


(photo above from Dying Matters resource pack and cover photo courtesy of Harli Marten at Unsplash)