Prison chaplains, from across Europe, gathered together...

On 19th July, dozens of prison chaplains were able to gather together, by the wonders of technology, to share together, pray for each other and reflect on their work over the last 12 months…

It was a wonderful opportunity to spend an hour together with other prison chaplains from across Europe. They heard from each other, and through a growing sense of mutual understanding, were able to offer and receive support.

Our Free Churches Faith Adviser, Revd Bob Wilson, was able to attend the event and says it was a great comfort and mutual encouragement to all.

This group is the European element of the wider work being done through the International Prison Chaplains Association. On 25th August, there will be an international day of prayer for prison ministry - watch this space for further details on the theme and for how to get your church and community involved in praying for the vital work of our prison chaplains across the world.



(cover photo courtesy of Hasan Almasi at Unsplash)