Organ donation law changed – Two Years Anniversary

Today marks the second anniversary of the #OrganDonation opt out system coming into effect in England, known as ‘Max and Keira’s Law’. You still have a choice if you want to be an organ donor or not when you die and families will always be involved.

Families are more likely to support organ donation going ahead if they know what their loved one would have wanted. Have you had the conversation?

NKF and NBTA webinar – Friday 20th May at 3.30pm

The webinar organised by the National Kidney Federation (NKF) and the National Black, Asian, Mixed Race, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Transplant Alliance (NBTA). This will take place on 20th May at 3.30pm, to mark the second anniversary of the organ donation law change. More details can be found on the poster here.