
Fruitfulness on the Frontline - a 6 week Bible study for Youth groups

The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity along with the charity serving and supporting Christians in FE (Festive) have developed a great resource which share, pray and study through in your youth group.

“Fruitfulness on the Frontline resource is for 16-19 year olds.

Over six weeks you’ll chat together, pray together, delve into God’s word together,

and see how to make everything you do count for Jesus and his Kingdom!”

You can download this interesting and helpful pack here. Feel free to share this link with your churches and youth groups.

Festive have been working alongside FCG over the last couple of years and we have been developing a fruitful working relationship with them - find out more about the work FCG has been doing in the FE Sector here.

A Prayer for Further Education

Living God, we pray for the students, tutors and support staff in our further education establishments in our area. May students be filled with strength, determination and wisdom to fulfil their potential in their vocational and academic studies.


(photo courtesy of Sugar Bee at Unsplash)

What kind of friend are you?

Festive, whom the FCG Education Team have been working alongside for some time, have an interesting and thought provoking take on this question - what kind of friend are you?

If I was to ask myself that question, I would say kind and loving, but sometimes I find myself feeling impatient and judgmental which has a serious impact on my kindness! We’re all a work in progress and this article asks some interesting questions about what matters the most!

The article has been written for the charity who work with Christians and further education - you can read the piece here….

You can also find out more about the work FCG has been doing in the field of further education and download free resources to support your church to engage with this varied and vital area of community life.

Sara Iles, FCG Education Asst

(image courtesy of Thought Catalog at Unsplash)

Prayer focus for all in formal and informal education...

Loving God,

We pray for all of those in formal and informal education: for those in colleges, universities, in our churches, our Bible study groups, our local schools, for those throughout our community centres, in evening classes and those exploring new pathways. Guide them and support them.

We pray that it is a time of transformation, joy, challenge, personal growth and vocational.
We pray for those in training for ministry and Christian service in our own denominations and across the member churches of the Free Churches Group.

We pray for the students and tutors involved in theological education and ministerial formation. May God uphold, provoke and guide them.

We pray for all those who are on a path to seek 'life in all its fullness' (John 10:10).

Loving God, encourage us to keep praying on this, to learn and share more about the gift of
education and to act with courage, conscience and conviction in your name!

In Jesus' name, our friend and teacher,


(photo courtesy of Perry Grone at Unsplash)

Praying for those receiving GSCE results..

A prayer from Pray for Schools network for today….

Praying for all students receiving GCSE results today……

May they have the grades they need to follow their dreams.

Where there is disappointment, may they know your love and plan for their lives.

In Jesus name.


FCG has had a long and productive working relationship with the Pray for School group - you can read more about their vital work and get your church / house group involved by checking out the link here.

(image courtesy of Sharon McCutcheon at Unsplash)

Students need our prayers.... pray with us

Loving God,

We ask you to be with all of the students who are receiving results and making decisions about their future studies over the coming days, across England and Wales. 

We pray that the results offer each student a way forward for their chosen study and work routes. Where the results are not as hoped, we humbly ask that you give them solace and further guidance. 

We pray for the young people in our churches and hope that the church community will offer support and encouragement to them. 

We ask that, in your mercy and power,  you uphold their parents, carers, teachers and advice workers, to give compassionate support to all students and young people at this time.

Living God, we ask that you bless the next stage on their learning and vocational journey.

Bless their pathways with courage and steadfastness. 

In the name of Jesus, our teacher and saviour,


FCG has been working hard over the last few years to develop links, strategy and plans for engaging with the university sector. You can read more about our vital work in this field here.

(Photo courtesy of Bobby Johnson at Unsplash)