Fruitfulness on the Frontline - a 6 week Bible study for Youth groups

The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity along with the charity serving and supporting Christians in FE (Festive) have developed a great resource which share, pray and study through in your youth group.

“Fruitfulness on the Frontline resource is for 16-19 year olds.

Over six weeks you’ll chat together, pray together, delve into God’s word together,

and see how to make everything you do count for Jesus and his Kingdom!”

You can download this interesting and helpful pack here. Feel free to share this link with your churches and youth groups.

Festive have been working alongside FCG over the last couple of years and we have been developing a fruitful working relationship with them - find out more about the work FCG has been doing in the FE Sector here.

A Prayer for Further Education

Living God, we pray for the students, tutors and support staff in our further education establishments in our area. May students be filled with strength, determination and wisdom to fulfil their potential in their vocational and academic studies.


(photo courtesy of Sugar Bee at Unsplash)