A caring world...?

Over the last few years, the FCG as part of our work with our Free Church Education Committee, have been praying, planning and working through ways we can support our member churches and groups become more engaged in the world of further education (FE). This is something we care about deeply.

We have provided a range of resources, prayers and ideas for how you and your churches can get involved in this educational sector; a sector that presents a vibrant and vital part of each and every one of our communities.

Trinny, who wants to develop skills as a care worker and gain college qualifications, has faced some struggles along the way, but with the support of her tutors and support staff, she has been able to progress - she is working in care in a world she now knows cares about her!

Read Trinny’s story here and find out how you can help young people like Trinny make her way in the world of education and work. By using the ideas and resources in this link, you too can show how your church cares about young people at your local college….

Pray with us…

Living God, we pray that you will guide and inspire all those students embarking on training for employment and all those seeking support and new learning for their personal development, especially those whose confidence is low or who are struggling with anxiety or money worries.

We pray for the staff and chaplains at our colleges and learning providers, that they have the courage, wisdom and stamina to support the students.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen