
Mental health conference next Wednesday - still time to book your place!

Mental health matters and it affects many of us and many of those we support in our communities and ministries…

We are hosting a day conference next week for Christian leaders, chaplains, student workers and anyone interested in looking after their own mental health and that of others. This will be held at Bloomsbury Baptist Church, London on Wednesday 23rd October.

Lots of varied conference content and the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics… Theological input, panel discussions and a choice of workshops including exploring mental health first aid, supporting those in study, and worship and dementia.

The conference costs are £25 per person and you can find out more information and book your place here.

Come along and be inspired… learn together…

Develop skills and share good practice in this important area of ministry

For information contact


Tickets provided through Eventbrite

(photo courtesy of Grant Durr at Unsplash)

Conference on teaching GCSE in Judaism coming up soon

As part of the our work with the RE Council, FCG has a strong working relationship with the Board of Deputies of British Jews, so we are delighted to share details of their forthcoming conference with you.

On 11th December, The Board of Deputies of British Jews are hosting a conference for educators who are involved in teaching Judaism GCSE.

This will be held in a central London location and includes panels, workshops, lectures and interactive sessions, will be delivered by leading Jewish authorities in Religious Education, and representatives from the Exam Boards. A keynote speech will be given by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of the Spanish & Portuguese Jewish Community.

You can find out further information and book your place here.

You may also be interested in this free sample of the Judaism GCSE teaching resources.

(photo courtesy of Ben Ostrower at Unsplash)

"Well Beings" - a Guide to Good Mental Health from the Student Christian Movement

As part of our work with the Free Church Education Committee, FCG has been working with the Student Christian Movement (SCM) in the Higher Education Working Group.

We are pleased to announce that over the summer the SCM has published a resource pack for supporting good mental health for students. This free resource can be downloaded HERE.

The Student Christian Movement has launched Well Beings, a practical guide to good mental health for students. Produced in partnership with Space to Breathe, the resource is a response to a recent survey of students that showed over 90% of students have had mental health problems or are supporting someone who has poor mental health.

The resource covers themes such as where to find help, how to face anxiety and how to build resilience. Each topic is presented along with simple, practical activities to help students develop good mental health.

You can read more about the work we have been doing in the field of HE here and download more resources for you to use and share in your churches and share with your young people.

You may also be interested in a conference for Christian leaders on the theme of mental health which we are hosting later this month (23 Oct) - for further information and to book your place, click here.

(photo courtesy of Eli DeFaria at Unsplash)

Will you write a prayer for your school?

As part of our work in the education team at FCG, we work closely with Pray for Schools.

Our latest initiative with them is… “Share A Prayer” Will you write a prayer for your school and share it with us?

Pray for Schools say…”We are collecting a variety of prayers from both adults and children about your school: the well-being of pupils and staff, touching on issues of concern and hopes for the future.”

So why not get your thinking, praying and writing caps on?! Send a prayer to:

Find out more - download the poster here.

Tell folk at your church and in your house-groups about this. Get creative! Inspire us to pray.

These prayers will be shared as part of the Pray Day for Schools coming up on 19th November.

(photo courtesy of Jan Kahánek @ Unsplash)

Pray for Schools - latest news!

For many years, the FCG has been active and diligent members of the Pray for Schools steering group. Their work has been going from strength to strength, engaging many churches and groups in praying for schools across the UK.

You can find out more about their interesting and varied work and check out their latest news HERE

To register for your very own copy of their inspiring newsletter HERE.

Date for your diary!

Pray Day is the third Tuesday of November every year when schools across Europe and around the world are the focus of prayer. This year it will be held on Tuesday 19th November 2019, with schools across the UK taking part. Join in the wave of prayer for our schools in your churches!

Let us pray….. Loving God, thank you for our schools.

We praise You Lord, for You are full of love, peace and hope. Please help us to be people of good news sharing your love, peace and hope into schools. Please help us to build good relationships with everyone. Please help us to be peace makers when there is tension and stress. Please help us to bring hope when there is despair and dejection. Please help us inspire others to be joyful when there is much to celebrate. Please help us demonstrate your love. Amen

(photo courtesy of Joshua Eckstein @ Unsplash)