
Exploring Maundy Thursday - resources for schools and home educators

Barnabas in Schools have developed and shared a range of resources for Maundy Thursday

These can be used by pupils studying at home or in the classroom.

There is a poem (on a video link) and some creative activities based on an important meal on the way to Easter, inspired by a Bible reading from the Gospel of John chapter 13, verses 1-15.

You can check out much more from Barnabas in Schools on the link HERE: RE at Home.

(photo courtesy of Jametlene Reskp at Unsplash)

Prayer for students in further education...

Festive (the Further Education and Sixth Forms Initiative) is a Christian charity supporting students. FCG has had a productive working relationship working with Festive over the years, especially on our work as part of the Free Church Education Committee Further Education Working Group activities. You can read more about this work HERE.

Each month, Festive shares a prayer request and so please join with us as we pray for their latest prayer bulletin…

“What a strange time we’re living in! We, like many other organisations, are having to review how we do our work and ministry in light of social distancing and lockdown. For the students we support this is a very confusing and unsettling time. We are releasing some new videos, posts and blogs this week to help guide and support them. Our big message to students is that whilst many things have ground to a halt, the Gospel hasn’t! We are therefore encouraging them to keep meeting as Christian Union’s (CU’s) (digitally), to keep praying and to keep finding new ways to share Jesus with their friends. With this in mind:

  • Please pray for imagination, clarity and relevance for the Festive social media streams and videos. Pray that God would constantly give fresh ideas that would encourage and inspire the young people who follow them.

  • Many students are very anxious about the future and uncertain as to how the closure of their schools and colleges will affect their grades. Pray for Christian students to be strong as they rest in God’s good plan for them. Pray that they will be always ready to encourage their non-Christian friends with the hope that they have in Jesus.

  • Pray for CU’s that they would continue to meet digitally and that they would have creative and Holy Spirit inspired ideas of how to do mission in this season.

Many thanks for your prayers. Yours in Christ, The Festive team.”

(Photo courtesy of Marquise Kamanke at Unsplash)

Are you involved in teaching RE or home schooling at this time?

Are you involved in teaching RE or home schooling at this time?

To help you during this difficult time, RE Today is working hard to support NATRE by producing resources that ALL teachers can use and share with pupils and parents in order to support with home learning.

You can check out these resorces HERE.

Keep learning and teaching RE from wherever you are… with these free resources for you and your pupils…

(photo courtesy of Markus Spiske at Unsplash)

Student Christian Movement appoint new CEO!

The FCG, through our work in the Free Church Education Committee, have had good working links with the Student Christian Movement, particularly in our Higher Education Working Group.

The Student Christian Movement (SCM) is an ecumenical student-led movement passionate about faith and justice.  SCM brings students together to explore how to live out the Christian faith in today’s world.

Last month, the SCM appointed a new Chief Executive. A warm welcome to Rev Naomi Nixon in her new role! Naomi (pictured below) joins the charity from the Diocese of Coventry, where she has been Ministerial Development Adviser for the last seven years. She also serves as a Minister at St Clare’s, a pioneer community based at Coventry Cathedral. Previously Naomi served as an Ecumenical Chaplain at North Warwickshire and Hinkley College where she also established a Youth Work teaching department.

You can read more about this new appointment and check out other news from the Student Christian Movement HERE.

Rev Naomi Nixon

Rev Naomi Nixon

Praying for head teachers and those in school leadership

The FCG, as part of our work with the Free Church Education Committee, are delighted to be part of the Pray for Schools steering committee.

I have been following prayers for Pray for Schools through their social media outlets, and I am sharing a prayer today from Cheltenham Prayer for Schools Network….

Pray for all the Heads and all those in leadership. They have so much to take on board as this situation is changing all the time. Pray that they would see a clear path through all the confusion. Pray for wisdom in their decision making as they work out the right strategy for their school over the next few weeks and months.

In Jesus’s name, our teacher and our friend. Amen

(photo courtesy of Aaron Burden at Unsplash)

Sara Iles FCG: Media support officer