
Pentecost Sunday - prayers with and for the Prison Fellowship

Prayers from the Prison Fellowship for Pentecost Sunday 31st May

Let us pray…

Come once again Holy Spirit as our advocate, our counsellor and our helper.

Give us Your Fire, that we may burn to see justice and truth in this world;

Breathe into us, that we may bring Your life to all we encounter;

and speak into us Your words of hope, that we may see lives renewed and transformed,

in Jesus’ Name. Amen

The Free Churches Group and our work in prison chaplaincy have worked with The Prison Fellowship (PF) for many years. Last year the Prison Fellowship celebrated 40 years of working with prisoners… their mission is : “to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them.”

Find out more about their work HERE.

(photo courtesy of Jon Tyson at Unsplash)

Praying with and for the Prison Fellowship Support Team

Prayer for Sunday 23rd May

We pray today for the Prison Fellowship Support Team, who are mostly working from home through this time. Loving God, would You sustain them, give them new energy and vision for the work, and keep them connected to each other and the wider Fellowship.


The Free Churches Group and our work in prison chaplaincy have worked with The Prison Fellowship (PF) for many years. Last year the Prison Fellowship celebrated 40 years of working with prisoners… their mission is : “to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them.”

Their work continues, as do the links the FCG and other organisations have with PF. You can join with friends and partners of The Prison Fellowship, by praying together through the month and May and beyond…

Prayer Diary – May 2020

This month, they are continuing to pray for all the prisons across England and Wales. There are four listed each day. To find out more about their work and register for their monthly prayer diary, click HERE.

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Psalm 27: 13-14

(photo courtesy of Zac Durant at Unsplash)

Free webinar for Chaplains and Christian leaders: 2 June at 1.30 p.m. Reflective Practice: a Pathway to the Heart

Photo by Guillaume LORAIN on Unsplash

Photo by Guillaume LORAIN on Unsplash

Date: 2 June, 2020 at 1.30 p.m. – 3.45 p.m.

Venue: wherever you like – as long as you have a screen and are connected to the internet (we’ll be using Zoom)

Cost: Free!

Who is it for?: Chaplains in healthcare, prison or education settings, or any other setting; Christian leaders; anyone who is interested.

We’ve talked to a lot of chaplains and other leaders recently, and understand something of the range of new pressures that the Coronavirus pandemic has brought with it. These pressures and challenges have opened up new opportunities for many people, but there has been little time to stop and reflect.

We’re offering you the opportunity to take a bit of time out for yourself – time to ponder, time to think, and time to learn how to embed reflective practice in your ministry.

Mark Stobert, chair of UK Board of Healthcare Chaplaincy (UKBHC) and Lead Chaplain at Cambridge University Hospitals, will present the webinar.

More details and information are available HERE

Please register here to book.

You will receive the links to join the webinar if you book in advance.

A participants guide to Reflective Practice Sessions is available to download here:

Reflective Practice – Reflection on Action


Join us in praying with Prison Fellowship in the weeks ahead...

The Free Churches Group and our work in prison chaplaincy have worked with The Prison Fellowship (PF) for many years. Last year the Prison Fellowship celebrated 40 years of working with prisoners… their mission is : “to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them.”

Their work continues, as do the links the FCG and other organisations have with PF. You can join with friends and partners of The Prison Fellowship, by praying together through the month and May and beyond…

Prayer Diary – May 2020

This month, they are continuing to pray for all the prisons across England and Wales. There are four listed each day. To find out more about their work and register for their monthly prayer diary, click HERE.

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Psalm 27: 13-14

Prayers for Sunday 17th May

God, give us this day a vision of Your Church, which extends into every prison in this country. Thank you that we are one in Christ Jesus our Lord.


(photo courtesy of Sincerely Media at Unsplash)

How are prisons and chaplaincy activities around the world being affected?

The International Prison Chaplains Association (IPCA) have been gathering and sharing some news and stories about how prisons and chaplaincy around the world are being affected by COVID-19.

We are going through unprecedented times and the prison sector globally has been affected by this pandemic, like all of our communities have.

There are articles from all across the world, including Canada, UK, Australia, US and Colombia.

You can read these HERE.

IPCA Europe have also been sharing some news and reflections about responses in experiencing Coronavirus in prisons across Europe. You can read these HERE.

Please do take some time over the next few days to pray for the work of the International Prison Chaplains Association and also please pray for the work of our Free Church Prison Chaplains and the staff and prisoners they serve across England and Wales.

Pray with us:

Lord God, Blessed are you, creator of the universe. You have called us to serve you in bringing good news to the poor and liberty to those in prison. Look with kindness, in these challenging and unsettling times, upon all who serve you in this ministry, grant us the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of your mission to all. Fill our hearts with zeal and perseverance as heralds of the Gospel. Amen

IPCA’s mission is: “Uniting, encouraging and equipping...

a global network of prison chaplains as they share God’s love and restoring justice.”

(photo courtesy of Louis Maniquet at Unsplash)