
Prisons - the facts and figures (in the latest Bromley Briefing)

The Bromley Briefings are produced in memory of Keith Bromley, a valued friend of Prison Reform Trust and allied groups concerned with prisons and human rights.

Keith’s support for refugees from oppression, victims of torture and the falsely imprisoned has made a difference to many people's lives. The Prison Reform Trust is grateful to the Bromley Trust for supporting the production of this briefing paper. This season’s briefing is out now:

Download it HERE

Facts and figures provide a better basis than opinion
for policy and practice change.
... these facts chart the extraordinary rise in prison numbers
over the last twenty years,
inflation in sentencing and the social and economic consequences
of overuse of custody.... revealing the
state of our overcrowded prisons and the state of people in them.
— Prison Reform Trust

Prison Fellowship Prayer Wall - prayer for today...

From the Prayer Wall for praying with our friends at Prison Fellowship today - join us as we pray, in the name of Jesus…

Capture 6.PNG

The Prayer Wall is a space to encourage and uplift those working in our prisons. An opportunity to express our gratitude for them and their work through prayers. Join in and add your own prayer HERE.

(cover photo courtesy of Kimberly Farmer at Unsplash)

Prison Fellowship CEO, Peter Holloway, preaching at Baptist Church today

The CEO of Prison Fellowship is preaching at Haywards Heath Baptist Church today. We are invited by PF to pray for him.

Please pray for Peter as he speaks
and for open hearts and minds for those listening.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen
— July 25th - prayer diary with Prison Fellowship
At Prison Fellowship, Peter is tasked with leading the delivery of PF’s ongoing work in prisons and enabling the organisation to achieve its vision.

At Prison Fellowship, Peter is tasked with leading the delivery of PF’s ongoing work in prisons and enabling the organisation to achieve its vision.

(cover photo courtesy of Sixteen Miles Out at Unsplash; photo of Peter Holloway from )

Prayer Wall, to encourage and uplift those working in our prisons...

As part of our connection with Prison Fellowship, we invite you to pray with us today… one of the ways in which Prison Fellowship support the needs of those in prison is through a Prayer Wall.

The Prayer Wall is a space to encourage and uplift those working in our prisons. An opportunity to express our gratitude for them and their work through prayers.
— say Prison Fellowship

Our prayer today comes from a contribution and encouragement to pray, from the Prayer Wall

Let us pray

My prayer for those working in prison is that they will be strengthened,

have great wisdom and peace in every circumstance.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen


Please feel free to add your prayers and encouragements on the Prayer Wall [click here]. (Please note that prayers will only display once they are approved by a moderator).  Why not start with “My prayer for those working in prison chaplaincy is…” 

Pray continually… (1 Thessalonians 5:17a

Pray continually… (1 Thessalonians 5:17a

(cover photo courtesy of Jesse Bowser at Unsplash)

Prison chaplains, from across Europe, gathered together...

On 19th July, dozens of prison chaplains were able to gather together, by the wonders of technology, to share together, pray for each other and reflect on their work over the last 12 months…

It was a wonderful opportunity to spend an hour together with other prison chaplains from across Europe. They heard from each other, and through a growing sense of mutual understanding, were able to offer and receive support.

Our Free Churches Faith Adviser, Revd Bob Wilson, was able to attend the event and says it was a great comfort and mutual encouragement to all.

This group is the European element of the wider work being done through the International Prison Chaplains Association. On 25th August, there will be an international day of prayer for prison ministry - watch this space for further details on the theme and for how to get your church and community involved in praying for the vital work of our prison chaplains across the world.



(cover photo courtesy of Hasan Almasi at Unsplash)