Praying for students

The Further Education and Sixth Form Initiative (known as Festive) offer prayers for those who are students in sixth form or in college. If you are currently studying in FE or know someone who is, why not send in a prayer request

Their mission is to:

  • Inspire Students
  • Equip people for Mission
  • Love FE & Sixth Forms

You can find out more about Festive by checking the link HERE

Why not consider having regular prayers of intercession at your church for students and staff in further education (FE)?

At any one time, there are over 3 million students engaged in FE, so this group are a huge part of our communities.... If you would like some ideas or resources to inspire your prayers, look HERE

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) 

Image from high-quality Christian stock photography available for FREE - Photo from Freely Photos by Cristian Newman  

Discovering the good in simple things Christ asks us to do!

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  ‘While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘Take it; this is my body.’  Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it.’ Mark 14:22-23

Both in church and in prison recently I’ve thought to myself how easy it is as a minister from a Free Churches tradition to miss out on the simple meal of remembrance Jesus called us to. But two things strike me here; firstly how simple is this meal really, and secondly just how much we really do miss out? The Eucharist, Lord’s Supper, Communion or Breaking Bread together service naturally draws us towards the symbolism, perhaps the sacrementalism, the very act of remembrance, and the presence of the Trinity in this meal. When I share communion in prison I am drawn time and again to the willingness with which Jesus shared this event with one who has been so often vilified over the years, his betrayer Judas.

Over the years many theologians have discussed the fellowship gathered together to meet with their Lord in a special act of remembrance. Arguments have flown about the nature of the elements and their meaning during the service, who can and cannot administer which parts of the service, the effects on the participants of not taking Jesus’ call to recognise him seriously and so on. However recently I’ve been drawn to think several times about Jesus calling us to do this simply because it is another thing that is good for us, drawing us closer to him, to his Father, and to the Spirit.

Bread and wine – simple, yet hugely complex elements. My brother-in-law has recently taken up the hobby of wine-making, and anyone looking at the spreadsheets he has created to help him monitor the progression of his creations would conclude that this is anything but simple. And anyone who has watched Paul Hollywood dissect a piece of bread on bakeoff would again know that there is more to this flour and yeast combination than meets the eye! Collaboration with the natural processes of fermentation to my untrained eye certainly has something of the mysterious about it.

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The transformation of hurting people too has something of the mysterious about it. Why is it that some whom we work with seem to ‘take’, and some seem to need more time to develop? Why do journeys of faith, seemingly so secure as they approach the prison gate suddenly seem so fragile in the hours following release? And how does God take what some may see as a hopeless soul and change this into a glorious life lived fully. In prison chaplaincy we do see all of these, and every time the outworkings are in my mind mysterious. Both good news and bad news stories seem to me to have the mysterious element about them; the same element that takes the ‘normal’ elements of fermented grape and baked wheat to give us a way to meet Jesus together.

As we meet around the elements of the bread and wine, we meet together the Trinity in relationship.  The Father sending his son, Jesus’ obedience in leaving the glory of heaven and submitting himself to death on the cross, and the ongoing work of the Spirit in the power of the resurrection. In the substance of the bread and the wine, the right ingredients, taken through the right process and eaten in the right mindset bring us closer to our creator, and in this mystery we are changed.

The Institute of the Study of Happiness in Copenhagen (yes, there is such a place!) has recently concluded that eating together is one of the most common and universal elements which leads people to a better sense of wellbeing. It does us good. How much more potential does eating together in the conscious presence of the triune God have? As I say, maybe this is simply another thing that Jesus calls us to because he knows it does us good.

Let us not miss out on those things that do us good. No wonder Jesus broke bread and gave thanks.

Bob Wilson

Secretary for Prison Chaplaincy and Free Church Faith Advisor

Further in faith

On 2nd November 2017, the Further Education working group for the Free Churches Group met and made excellent progress on this work. 

In 2015 a Working Group was commissioned by the Directors of the Free Churches Group to produce a Report on the current and potential future engagement of the Free Churches with Further Education (FE). The Working Group have met and liaised regularly since autumn 2015. An Action Plan and Vision Statement are helping to provide a firm foundation for this work, going forward. 

The Working Group are pictured here are the working group from a range of Free Church denominations including New Testament Church of God, the Congregational Federation and the United Reformed Church (photo by Sarah Lane Cawte, Education Officer, Free Churches Group). From left to right (brief biographies of working group HERE) - 

Rev. Lester Freckleton, Rev. Alistair Smeaton, Professor Graham Handscomb, Rev. Sara Iles, Dr. John Wise, Anthony Alderman. 

Watch this space in the new year for ways in which your church and denomination can get involved in this vital work in your communities! 

Let us pray.... 21st November 2017

Join us as we pray for schools on Tuesday 21st November. The Free Churches Group, Scripture Union, Open The Book and many other partners are involved in supporting Pray for Schools across the UK. 

Churches, individuals and groups are encouraged to pray for their local schools. Join in and create a powerful wave of prayer for our schools... 

There are lots of interesting and inspiring resources on the Pray for Schools website 

We are encouraging everyone to use the hashtag #SayDoPray and to say the Lord’s prayer over their school. #SayDoPray—in a spirit of love, joy and peace with kindness, goodness and gentleness showing patience, self control and faithfulness—both for ourselves and those who serve in schools.

From the Living Bible: “When the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” Galatians 5 v22 & 23

(Pear drawing kindly provided by Heather Parker—Instagram: heatheyme)


PrayDay 21st Nov 

Daughters of Dissent

A Century of Women’s Ordination

On September 17th 1917, at the height of the First World War, Constance Todd was ordained to the congregational ministry at the then King’s Weigh House now the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family in Exile, in London. She was ordained alongside her fiancé, Claud Coltman, and they were married the following day. Congregational Churches are member denominations of the Free Churches Group (CF and URC)

Constance Coltman had studied Theology at Mansfield College Oxford.

Many events and celebrations have been held during this year to commemorate Constance's ordination.

Earlier in the summer, at Mansfield College, for a special day of events and fellowship, members of the Free Church Education Committee, including Revd Joy Langford BA, worshipped and shared with Baroness Kennedy of the Shaws: Helena Kennedy QC, FRSA and Revd Dr Janet Wootton MA (who has served on the Free Churches Council).

(Pictured here - left to right - Baroness Kennedy, Revd Langford, Revd Wootton - photo by Revd Sara Iles). 

You can read more about Constance Coltman's compelling and radical ministry in service to God  HERE and by listening to the Sunday Sequence and to this Radio 4 programme on Woman's Hour