Community Engagement

Connecting Communities, Serving People, The Church & Social Cohesion

Connecting Communities, Serving People, The Church & Social Cohesion will take place on the afternoon of 30th September and be hosted at Liverpool Town Hall.

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This event flyer is available to download HERE.

Ageing and ageism in the Commonwealth - free webinar on 30th Sept from 3-4.30pm

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the rights and needs of older persons. While everyone has been affected, evidence shows that older people are among those most at risk of complications from the disease, with fatality rates for those over 80 years of age five times the global average. They are also at greater risk of poverty, discrimination and isolation. Older persons have been hit particularly hard by the virus itself but it has been the failure to protect their rights in the response that has led to unnecessary deaths, unmet health and care needs, increased isolation, discrimination and stigma.

This webinar will:

  • Recognise the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing and dignity of older persons across the Commonwealth

  • Raise awareness of ageism, stigma and discrimination against older people in the COVID-19 response and the need to foster intergenerational connections across the Commonwealth

  • Reflect on how The Commonwealth needs to adapt to ensure the rights of its citizens of all ages are respected.


    To find out more and register for this free event - click HERE.

    Esteemed speakers and presenters from across the UK and the Commonwealth are pictured below

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Date: Thursday 4th October 2018 & Tuesday 5th February 2019

Location: Free Churches House, 27 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HH


For those who connected with a faith community there is both social and spiritual support. For those who aren’t where is their spiritual support in times of health care crisis?

This day will be based on the shared experience of individuals working in Community Health Care Chaplaincy and will enable participants to build their plan to make a difference in their community.

This is an opportunity for the church to make a significant contribution to the health and well-being of the local community.


Tea and Coffee available from 10.30am

11:00 Welcome and opening prayers

11:10 What is community Chaplaincy?

The principles and model of care

The story of Soweto

11:45 Transferring the model to the UK

The story of Doncaster

The story of Lincoln

12:30 Lunch

13:30 What might this look like in your church?




14:30 What else do we need?

15:00 Round up and closing prayers.

15:15 Home time

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

The cost is £10 for a day and you are advised to book early as places are limited.

For more information, please contact Thandar Tun ( or 02036518338).

To book a place, please complete and return the booking form to or post to Free Churches Group, 27 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HH.

This programme is available to download here.

Education Chaplaincy conference - book your place here!

As part of the work the Free Churches Group have been doing over the last few years, we have been keen to develop stronger links and networks to support chaplains working in education (across the schools, FE, university sectors). 

Chaplaincy Central are gathering for a conference in June. Might you be interested? Please also feel free to share this with leaders and workers in your church network. To book your place, click HERE. 

The Chaplaincy Central team writes: "On 20th June 2018, we will gather together at the Life community Church, Birmingham, for our second Chaplaincy Central conference. The focus of the day is ‘thriving not surviving’, and each seminar and workshop focuses on how we as Chaplains (whether voluntary or paid, full or part-time) and our school communities can thrive despite the challenges we may face. The day will be packed full of seminars and practical workshops, exploring themes such as ‘Responding to Tragedy’, ‘Mental Health’ and ‘Chaplaincy on a shoestring' plus many more! Whether you are a primary, secondary or FE Chaplain, there is something for everyone! We will be joined by a number of national organisations who will be available throughout the day there to share expertise and there will be a number of resources available for you to purchase on the day. It promises to be a fantastic day that encourages and equips. We hope to see you there!"

If you are thinking and praying about setting up a chaplaincy team in your church to serve in your local educational settings, you can find out more information on why it matters and how to get started on the Chaplaincy Central website

Further in faith

On 2nd November 2017, the Further Education working group for the Free Churches Group met and made excellent progress on this work. 

In 2015 a Working Group was commissioned by the Directors of the Free Churches Group to produce a Report on the current and potential future engagement of the Free Churches with Further Education (FE). The Working Group have met and liaised regularly since autumn 2015. An Action Plan and Vision Statement are helping to provide a firm foundation for this work, going forward. 

The Working Group are pictured here are the working group from a range of Free Church denominations including New Testament Church of God, the Congregational Federation and the United Reformed Church (photo by Sarah Lane Cawte, Education Officer, Free Churches Group). From left to right (brief biographies of working group HERE) - 

Rev. Lester Freckleton, Rev. Alistair Smeaton, Professor Graham Handscomb, Rev. Sara Iles, Dr. John Wise, Anthony Alderman. 

Watch this space in the new year for ways in which your church and denomination can get involved in this vital work in your communities!