Free Church Education Committee work continues...

In the strange and challenging times, things are quite different. The way we meet and share has changed greatly, but the Free Church Education Committee (FCEC) work continues apace, with and on behalf of our member churches and groups.

Papers are being prepared during May for our next Committee meeting, which will be held via Zoom, in June. There is much work to do and so your prayers are welcome as we prepare for the meeting. We were unfortunately unable to meet for our Spring Residential this year, but we are planning on making some good progress, as a Committee, when we next ‘meet’ in June.

Cover photo: Further Education (FE) Working Group - a group commissioned by the FCEC - who last met earlier this year.

From left to right:

Professor Graham Handscomb (FCEC Chair), Sarah Lane Cawte (FCG Education Officer), Rev Sara Iles (FCG), Dr John Wise (FE Working Group Chair), Rev Paul Rochester (FCG General Secretary)

'Coffee and Cake' meet up for chaplains in schools and college - each Friday at 4pm

The pattern of meetings and our ability to get together in person has changed much over the last few weeks. - so we are pleased to share that the Centre for Chaplaincy in Education are be hosting a ‘Coffee and Cake’ chaplains’ chat each Friday at 4pm.

Friday Coffee 'n' Cake (bring your own!) for Chaplains in Schools and Colleges 1st May 2020

Every Friday for the foreseeable future, Maggie Everett, the Centre’s Lead Development Officer, will be hosting a ‘coffee and cake’ hour on Zoom, for all chaplains in schools and colleges. Come and join in with others, (sorry you will need to bring your own coffee and cake!) and have a chat about what’s happening with you, your community/ies and the wider world. Invitation:

Topic: Coffee and Cake

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 0639 4114

Password: 780537

Sarah Lane Cawte, our Free Church Education Officer, has been working closely with this group and other partners over recent months and there are some exciting developments in the field of chaplaincy in education which you can read about here.

(photo courtesy of Jordan Christian at Unsplash)

The Prison Fellowship Prayer for today

Thursday 30th April: We proclaim that God is faithful, no matter what is happening around us in our lives, our communities and in prison. What does it look like for you to trust that that is true today?

And today we especially bring to God in prayer the following prison…

  • HMP Winchester,

  • HMP/YOI Woodhill,

  • HMP/YOI Wormwood Scrubs,

  • HMP & YOI Wymott.

“But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love;

for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.”

Psalm 59:16

The May edition of the Prayer Diary, which comes out soon, can be registered for HERE.

(photo courtesy of Melissa, a 15 year old Gateway College student)

Prayer time invite for school and college chaplains at 8.30am each day

The Centre for Chaplaincy in Education would like to invite school and college chaplains to a prayer meeting, held each morning at 8.30am for half an hour.

Topic: Prayer Room for Chaplains
Time:Daily  08:30am GMT

Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 227 482 842


Here are some words of encouragement, inspiration and comfort from The Centre for Chaplaincy in Education:

We are all very aware of the daily changing nature of the current world crisis. I, like you I am sure, have been very humbled, challenged and inspired by the desire of so many to support the vulnerable as well as saddened by the fear and angst that is causing so many to struggle with sourcing food and items they need. I am stating the obvious in saying we are in unchartered waters and yet as leaders within the communities whom we serve we need to be showing a different way:

The desire of the Father is that all know His love;

The way of Christ is that of loving service of others;

The Spirit leads us into the heart of love so that WE may know His peace that passes understanding and when we know this, take this to others.


(photo courtesy of Rachael Cox at Unsplash)

Telling a child someone has died from COVID-19...

I have been a supporter of the charity, Winston’s Wish, for many years. This organisation and may others like it do vital and compassionate work with children and their families who are bereaved. Their mission is - giving hope to grieving children.

They have produced some helpful and thoughtfully put together advice to support parents, carers, guardians and other adults about how to tell a child someone has died of the coronavirus.

Please do share with those in your network.

To find out more about the work of Winston’s Wish, see HERE.

Sara Iles, FCG Media Support Officer

(photo courtesy of Joel Overbeck at Unsplash)