Continuing to serve our member churches and groups....

In these unusual and unsettled times, very little has stayed the same… some things may have changed for the better, we might think, and some things have become really challenging and tough… one thing that has continued, despite it all, is the Free Churches team continuing to work for and on behalf of our member churches and with our wider networks. The way we work might have changed, via Zoom, Skype, phone etc… but we meet to carry on with our work for and with you, our members…

Since the beginning of the year, because of the geographical distances between our team members, we had set up a Zoom platform to meet up on line every Tuesday morning. These have become even more important in recent weeks, as travel and face to face meetings have not been possible. The Free Churches Group team continue to meet online, to pray together, to review our work in prisons and healthcare chaplaincy and education. We will continue to find ways we can serve our member churches in these challenging times. Our team members have been busy, working from home and meeting up with colleagues and our wider partners (remotely); recent meetings have been on the following topics:

and many more….

Please pray for our team, as we continue to pray for your churches and networks.

May our work together continue to be a blessing to those we seek to serve, in God’s name.

If you have not already done so, you can subscribe to our newsletter, which is published monthly by completing your details at the bottom of this website link.

Team meeting photo May 4th 2020 below. Cover photo courtesy of Jesus Kiteque at Unsplash.

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Being helpful... ?

Many of us often might feel as if we are helpful in one way or another. We may be good at calling in on elderly neighbours or clearing the table after a big family meal… some of the ways in which we may have been able to be helpful in the past has changed in recent months because of the pandemic. Have you mourned the loss of ways in which you used to be helpful? Have you been able to find new or different ways of being helpful? Perhaps we’re seeing things very differently and have the courage to explore new horizons? I have been sad that I have not been able to visit the churches I support in my other role with the FCG member church group, The Congregational Federation (CF), so, at the start of the lockdown, I started a daily prayer for each of these churches, along setting up a pastoral network to have phone calls with their ministers - from A-Z!… Abertillery Tabernacle to Zion Miners, Llanhilleth… I hope and pray that the churches have appreciated this help, even though a visit can’t take place at the moment.

The Oxfordshire based Christian charity, BeSpace, has produced a series of really inspiring and helpful (!) resources for parents, carers, guardians and adults to explore with children in their household / in their care.

There is one on the theme in question!

BeHelpful: BeSpace activities to bring a sense of peace and calm to your life…

The worksheet says: “Christians believe that we are called to be helpful to others around us.We can help people practically by meeting their needs as well as praying for them. They also believe that when we are in trouble or worried about something we can ask God to help us and that He helps us in our time of need.”

By way of background for FCG: As part of our partnership work for the Free Church Education Committee, we are members of the Pray for Schools network, working alongside lots of other dynamic and engaged Christian organisations. One of the other groups who are also on the Pray for Schools network is BeSpace… BeSpace is a Christian charity who encourages churches to work together to see prayer and reflection spaces happening in all areas of the community. Their vision to see every child, young person and adult connect with God in their daily lives from the school into the home.

(photo courtesy of Melissa, a 15 year old Gateway college student)

Sara Iles, FCG Media Support Officer

Prayers for today from The Prison Fellowship

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Psalm 27: 13-14 1

Friday May 1st

Loving God, open our hearts to see and receive Your goodness this month. Even as our world is in crisis, would You draw us into Your presence, to wait on You, and find hope and courage.

We especially pray for:

  • HMP/YOI Altcourse

  • HMP Ashfield

  • HMP/YOI Askham Grange

  • HMYOI Aylesbury.


    To find out more about the work of the Prison Fellowship, click HERE.

    (photo courtesy of Igor Rodrigues at Unsplash)

Prison Fellowship Prayer Diary for May - join us as we pray...

The Free Churches Group and our work in prison chaplaincy have worked with The Prison Fellowship (PF) for many years. Last year the Prison Fellowship celebrated 40 years of working with prisoners… their mission is : “to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them.”

Their work continues, as do the links the FCG and other organisations have with PF. You can join with friends and partners of The Prison Fellowship, by praying together through the month and May and beyond…

Prayer Diary – May 2020

This month, they are continuing to pray for all the prisons across England and Wales. There are four listed each day. To find out more about their work and register for their monthly prayer diary, click HERE.

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Psalm 27: 13-14

(photo courtesy of Hanny Naibaho at Unsplash)

Praying with and for the work of The Prison Fellowship

In the Spring 2020 pamphlet from the Prison Fellowship - IN:SIGHT… I read…

Prayer is the foundation of the work of the Prison Fellowship. It is more important now than ever. Will you pray along with us for our prisons in this time of crisis?

The April Prayer Diary can be downloaded HERE for your use…

and the May edition which comes out soon can be registered for HERE.

Prison Fellowship says: “Men and women across England and Wales are committed to praying regularly for their local prison and for everyone connected with them. We've created our monthly Prayer Diary to guide you as you pray for our prisons.”

(photo courtesy of Jack Sharp at Unsplash)