An act of reflection

The healthcare trust in York has put together a moving and thoughtfully produced reflection. The Trust says that as an organisation, “We are just coming to the end of a week of reflection at York Trust. The idea came from the need for some sort of ‘ritual’ to mark what staff have been through, to try and name what has been happening, to reflect, and to find some format for beginning to let go. As a dept. we have been blessed with becoming part of a well-being group in the hospital, with psychology, Organisational development, Arts team, Occupational Health etc. and they were very supportive of the idea.”

You can see the film they have made HERE.

They go on the say that, “We also have had rivers in two chapels. Our volunteers have made boats – the idea being ‘what has kept you afloat during this time?’; there were droplets of water of what people want to let go of, and lights could be lit to remember someone. The pictures were taken at the start of the week – the river has been really used by staff this week.” (rivers pictured below)

Perhaps these images and the film they have made will help us all to take

some time to reflect in these strange and difficult times too?

They have so benefitted from other colleagues sharing what they have been doing, and they hope and pray that the week of reflection at York, may also spark healing/reflective ideas off for people.

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"I lift up my eyes...." - further resources to help you in your ministry

Revd Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy for the Free Churches, has been gathering and sharing a range of supportive and informative communications with Healthcare Chaplains. Although these are primarily aimed at those working in healthcare chaplaincy, many others may find the content encouraging and helpful in their life and ministry.

There is:

  • An adapted version of Psalm 121- I lift up my eyes

  • Facing the Storm - support in the time of trauma

  • Support materials for ‘psychological first aid’

  • Life after Lockdown - tackling loneliness (report from the British Red Cross)

You can find out more and explore these reflections and materials HERE.

Meg provides the leadership on Healthcare Chaplaincy work at a national level for the Free Churches as well as in a multi-faith context.

(photo courtesy of Andrew Coelho at Unsplash)

Sharing some good news!

Barbara Easton, a long standing and dedicated member of the Free Church Education Committee (FCEC) has been elected to serve as the Vice-President of the Methodist Conference for 2021/22. She joins with Rev Sonia Hicks who will serve as the President. Warmest congratulations to you both on your election, from all in the FCEC! You can read the full story here.

The Free Churches Group has a good working relationship with the Methodist Church (who are a member group of FCG). We will look forward to continuing and strengthening these links as Sonia and Barbara develop in their new roles.

Rev Sonia Hicks

Rev Sonia Hicks

Mrs Barbara Easton

Mrs Barbara Easton

Refreshing prayer... with Prison Fellowship

Prison Fellowship Prayers for Sunday 5th July

This Sunday,

On this day of Sabbath rest, we pray that Christians in prison across England and Wales would be able to rest in God’s love, and know the refreshment that the Water of Life gives


The Free Churches Group and our work in prison chaplaincy have worked with The Prison Fellowship (PF) for many years. Find out more about their work HERE.

You can read and pray through their July Prayer Diary HERE.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

(photo courtesy of Kazuend at Unsplash)

Praying deeply for our schools...

Pray for Schools have produced an inspiring and wide ranging prompt sheet to help us to to pray more deeply and meditatively for our schools. These ideas have been gathered together by a retired deputy head teacher, who is also a church leader.

These prayer prompts will help us to pray more deeply, and more fully help us to consider the schools we hold up to God in prayer.

You can read, reflect upon and pray with these encouragements and inspirations HERE.

(photo courtesy of Markus Spiske at Unsplash)