Healthcare chaplains - on Zoom with cuppa for chat - Friday afternoons

There’s a lot going on for us all at the moment and finding space to chat and relax together can be challenging. Rev Meg Burton invites you to have a get together with herself and other chaplains, so bring a cuppa …

Join us if you can!

Meg, the Free Churches Secretary for Healthcare invites you each Friday at 4pm through Zoom. Healthcare chaplains welcome!

Zoom Meeting ID:870 5327 8978  Password: 669993

Meg says, “I will be there between 3.30 and 4.30pm if anyone would like to join me

for an informal chat about anything;

a chance to get together and chew over the week before you go home.”

You can find out more about the work the Free Churches does in the field of healthcare and download helpful resources HERE.

(photo courtesy of Nathan Dumlao at Unsplash)

Today is a big day!

Today is a BIG day!

Young people across the UK will be receiving their GCSE results.

As we will all be aware from the year’s events and particularly the media coverage concerning the assessment processes this year, it has been a challenging and complex time.

It has been a difficult time for children and young people, awaiting results, and being unclear of all the machinations about the protocol for grading this year. it has also affected parents and carers who have been worried about their families. It has been a hard time too for teachers, support staff, DfE, civil servants and examining bodies.

We pray for all of the teenagers who are getting their results today; let us pray…..

Loving God, be with each and every one of them as they look down the list of their grades, when their heart might be heavy with a grade lower than expected or as they leap for joy with a grade higher than hoped. We know, living God, that you are our teacher and our friend, with each one of us, through all of life’s up and downs… so be with all of those getting results and be their comforter and their companion. We pray especially for the children, young people and families in our own families and churches…

And dear God, we ask that you are with families, teachers and educational professionals throughout this day and going forward. Give them confidence, stamina and clarity to support those in their homes, schools, churches and communities.

We continue to uphold in prayer all of the conversations about next steps that teens across the UK will be having, after their results; for their sixth form and college options, for their vocational and academic pathways… Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers…


Date for your diary - Education Sunday 2020: 13th September The theme is: "A learning people in a time of change".

Date for your diary - Pray Day for Schools - 17th November 2020

(photo courtesy of Green Chameleon at Unsplash)

Racial justice / criminal justice - what could your church do? Find out on 22nd Sept

Free webinar - racial justice / criminal justice - what can your church do?

An online event is coming up on 22nd September from 6.30-8pm

It will be on the theme of racial justice / criminal justice and exploring what your church can do in light of these matters.

Key note speakers include:

Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover and Vanessa Jardine, Deputy Chief Constable of West Midlands Police.

To register for this event please see link HERE.

Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover

Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover

Vanessa Jardine, Deputy Chief Constable of West Midlands Police.

Vanessa Jardine, Deputy Chief Constable of West Midlands Police.

"Committed to equipping prisoners to unlock and live in their God given potential..."

“Committed to equipping prisoners to unlock and live in their God given potential…”! That is the mission of the Christian charity, Imago Dei Prison Ministry (ID Prison Ministry for short!)

They go on to say that they are also committed to set men and women free from their past and to help them to know their true value and identity in their life.

At the heart of Imago Dei Prison Ministry is the desire to see prisoners live out their true identity and purpose. They believe that no one should be defined by their past or even their current circumstances. 

We are invited to pray for and support the vital and life changing work of ID HERE….

Imago Dei are an associated ministry of CiC, one of the Free Churches Group’s member denominations.

(image courtesy of

“The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has appointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind., to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.”
— Luke 4:18-19

Do you have plans for 25th August?

Planning ahead in these strange times has been a challenge for us all in recent months…

One of the things we can often commit to doing though is taking time out to pray…

So will you join me and thousands of others across the world, on 25th August, to pray for prison chaplains?

There’s a Global Day of Prayer for Prison Ministry on 25th August.

Here’s the link to liturgy resources in a variety of different languages. You are encouraged to share the resources among your colleagues and church networks. The theme for this year is: the Grace of God

Please encourage your church fellowships to get involved by praying in your homes or by safely physically distanced in your churches (as appropriate). Join with the Free Churches Group and many other ecumenical partners across the globe for the International Prison Chaplains Association (IPCA).

The Free Churches Faith Adviser to the Prison Service, Revd Bob Wilson, serves as the Vice Chair to the International Prison Chaplains Association (IPCA).

IPCA’s mission is: Uniting, encouraging and equipping... a global network of prison chaplains as they share God’s love and restoring justice.