Praying for vulnerable children

Today, as part of our sharing, caring and praying with Pray for Schools, we pray for vulnerable children…

“Do the right thing for the weak and those without a father.

Stand up for the rights of those suffering and in need.”

Psalm 82:3 (New Life Version)

Let us pray…

Father, please come near to young people living in the shadows of unhappiness, abuse, pain or fear. Bring new hope to any who are desperate and draw them into the circle of Your love.


(photo courtesy of Michał Parzuchowski at Unsplash)

Today is Education Sunday

Today is Education Sunday and the theme is "A learning people in a time of change".

This year Education Sunday takes place at a time when many children, young people and staff have been away from schools, colleges and universities and have been working in different ways. Churches, too, have had to learn and adapt, whilst still maintaining a pattern of worship. This is a time to think about what we have learnt about ourselves, about our communities and about God.

There is so much for us to reflect on from our lives and experiences over recent months, so join us as we mark this special day of prayer and care for our schools, colleges and universities…

There are some brilliant materials for you to share, pray through and enjoy including a wonderful introduction for the year’s theme by Barbara Easton, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference 2021/2022 and Head of Service, Methodist Academies and Schools Trust.

A learning people in a time of change… inspired by these readings from Holy Scripture: Exodus 14.19-31; Psalm 114; Romans 14.1-12; Matthew 18.21-35

(image below is the logo from this year; cover photo courtesy of Chris Lawton at Unsplash)


Praying for children with additional needs...

“Each talented, each different, each valued…”

That was the motto at the Quaker school I attended as a child. This is a great motto to live by and one that the school I attended more than lived up to. I was quite good at languages and singing; others were good at netball and maths… we were all different with different gifts… each were seen as talented and valued

In my working life these days I am part of the excellent Pray for Schools steering group who encourage us to pray for our schools!

Today I am sharing the Bible verse and prayer, praying for children with additional needs…

‘Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart.’

Matthew 11:30 (NLT)

Let us pray…

Lord Jesus, please help children in school who are facing many kinds of challenges and equip and encourage their teachers and carers.


(photo courtesy of Soraya Irving at Unsplash)

(Sara Iles, FCG Media Support Officer)

Praying for our schools

As part of my work in the Pray for Schools network I am sharing a passage from the Bible and a prayer from a resource that has been created to support us all to pray for our schools.

Today we pray for the school curriculum, especially for the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (known as RSE).

“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable,

and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.”

Philippians 4:8 (NLT)

Let us pray…

Loving God, please help teachers as they undertake the task of teaching RSE in primary and secondary schools. May their lessons be appropriately informative and unbiased.


(photo courtesy of Isabella and Louisa Fischer at Unsplash)


Praying for plans and policies in education

Since 2016, I have privileged to work as part of the Pray for Schools network and support the work they do with schools and churches across the UK.

The Pray for Schools team, partners and friends have a real heart for prayer and for showing God’s love through prayer and caring for our schools…. so join with us as we Pray for Schools, at the start of the new year…

They have developed a wonderful prayer resource to help us all to be guided through the support of verses from the Holy Scriptures, to pray for the needs of our schools.

Over the next few days, I will be sharing one of these prayers, so we can pray them together.

Today we pray for education plans and policies inspired by verses from the New Testament.

Pray especially for ... governments to rule well so

we can be quietly about our business of living simply.

1 Timothy 2:2,3 (Message)

Let us pray…

Lord, please grant wise discernment to those nationally and locally who make far-reaching decisions, and provide funding, guidance and support to schools across the UK.

