Exciting news from the Association of Christian Teachers

Over many years, as part of the work we do in the Education team at Free Churches Group, we have worked alongside the Association of Christian Teachers.

We are delighted to share with you all that they have appointed a new Executive Officer to oversee the work they do. Their recent press release says:

“The Association of Christian Teachers (ACT) is pleased to announce the appointment of Lizzie Harewood as their new Executive Officer with immediate effect. Lizzie (pictured below) brings twelve years’ experience of working in both state and independent schools, along with skills in the delivery of social media and creative content writing. She has a passion for the pastoral support of all those in the education sector and also brings experience in this field through her active involvement in local church leadership.”

The news from ACT goes on to say,

“Lizzie will initially be focused on both supporting existing members, and growing the organisation through the development of ACT’s Regional Representatives and links with other Christian partners. Following the attainment of a Law degree, Lizzie has taught both in the UK and overseas, but most recently has been teaching up to A level in the north of England. She is married with two children and enjoys cooking, singing and when time permits, running marathons.”

On behalf of us all at FCG, we hope and pray that Lizzie settles into this new role well

and the work of the ACT goes from strength to strength under her leadership.

Mrs Lizzie Harewood

Mrs Lizzie Harewood


Commemorating 400 years since the Mayflower set sail!

We are delighted to share with you a film which has been made by one of our member churches - the Congregational Federation - to celebrate 400 years since the Mayflower set sail.

We share the following hoping and praying it will be an encouragement and an inspiration to us all!

Mayflower Fest is a collection of short films in which the Congregational Federation have chosen to mark the 400th Anniversary that the Mayflower sailed from Plymouth in Devon across the Atlantic to the New world in America. 

  • Worship tent

This is a collection of clips from Congregational Churches all over GB with a reflection from Mike Fales Moderator Elect of International Congregational Fellowship

  • A Children’s tent

This tent tells the story of the Pilgrims reflecting on what it might have been like for the children on board and has lots in interactive activities for children to take part in.

  • Pilgrims and Promised

  • Lands tent

Including interviews with Rev Dr Peggy Bendroth, former director of the Congregational Library in Boston and Rev Dr Lottie Jones Hudd about her church in Detroit on the underground railroad escape.

  • Mayflower Art and Artifacts Tent

'We have a filmed conversation with the artist Rachel Carter who has created two life-size bronzes of a unnamed 'Pilgrim Woman' which will be sited in Doncaster, before moving to Austerfield and Gainsborough.

  • Missing Voices Tent

Telling the story of the Wampanoag Nation

  • Songs That Sustain Us Tent

Including the Mayflower hymn “The Lord has yet more light and truth

  • Historical Voices Tent

Giving insights to William Bradford, John Robinson and Sara Willett Minter the Midwife to the Pilgrims

Please use these link to enjoy the Mayflower Fest: here and here


Trauma and Response: A Theological Reflection, Free Webinar


Free Church Healthcare Chaplains Annual Study Day is an opportunity to step back, draw breath and reflect on the impact of the experience of trauma.

Wed, 4 November 2020
14:00 – 16:00 GMT

The Free Churches Group is hosting the Annual Healthcare Chaplains Study Day on the subject, "Trauma and Response: a theological reflection". This is an opportunity to step back, draw breath and reflect on the impact of the experience of trauma. Our thoughts will be led by Rev Sue Shortman, a Methodist Minister in the Birmingham District, with opportunities for discussion in break-out groups.

This event is organised by the Healthcare Chaplaincy Steering Committee on behalf of the Free Churches Group and is aimed at Free Church Chaplains, but others of different denominations, faith/belief groups, are welcome to attend.

This event will be held via Zoom. Booking is now open via Eventbrite here.

Login information will be sent to you by email nearer the time. For more information please contact Revd Meg Burton at meg.burton@freechurches.org.uk

Programme details:

2:00pm Gathering and opening devotions

Song Be Still Hillsong Worship

2:15pm Session 1 Trauma and response

Looking at the story of Noah, particularly his wife and her role in the call they received and thinking about our response to trauma.

10 minutes break out session for Trauma and response

2:50pm Session 2 Waiting and surviving

How do we allow ourselves time to stop and wait and in that waiting find strategies for surviving, using Psalm 62 and a poem.

10 minutes break out session for Waiting and surviving

3:20pm Session 3 Transformation

Using the story of Pentecost and the experience of the disciples how are we transformed through our experiences?

10 minutes break out session for Transformation

3:45pm Closing devotions

Photo courtesy of Katherine McCormack at Unsplas


Prisons Week


Let us pray…

Spirit of wisdom and mercy, lead those responsible for exercising justice in the way of truth; bring discernment, fair minded judgement and a willingness to confront injustice as they consider the lives of others. In every role and place of work through the whole criminal justice system, guide and empower people to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Christ in his strength and in his Spirit.

United in prayer, we stand before you Jesus, our Judge, Redeemer and friend as we say together,

Our Father...“Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:9-13 (ESV)

Thank you for joining us for this week of prayer as part of Prisons Week!

Prisons Week - praying with those who are working in prisons

Prisons Week

Friday - praying with those who work in prisons

Spirit of refuge and renewal, be alongside all who are called to work in prisons. Give daily strength to serve courageously and faithfully through the continuing constraints of lockdown. Be present in the bringing of order, compassion, food, comfort, and humanity to all held in custody. Sustain and enable us in times of exhaustion and weariness through the sureness of your love and power.

United in prayer, we bring ourselves and offer our lives as we say together, Our Father….

“Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:9-13 (ESV)

