Recording of webinar available now - "Racial Justice / Criminal Justice – what can your church do?"

A recording of the webinar “Racial Justice / Criminal Justice – what can your church do?” is now available for you to watch and share. This event was held in September 2020. This webinar intends to equip the church, in the widest sense, to address some of the recommendations raised by the Lammy Report into racial disparities within the Criminal Justice system.

The next in the series is coming up soon: 23rd Feb from 6.30-8pm, University of Birmingham in partnership with the Barrow Cadbury Trust and FCG, will be hosting a webinar entitled 'Racial Injustice - what can you church do? Building Community.'

This will be a free event, but registration is required. Booking details through Eventbrite and further information will be on the FCG website soon. Keynote speakers include Chine McDonald, Head of Community Fundraising and Public Engagement at Christian Aid and George Barrow from Ministry of Justice.


These webinars are intended to provide faith community leaders with practical but informed ideas for churches to take action that can help to reverse the worrying trends and see fairer outcomes for BAME people in the criminal justice system in England and Wales.

One of the organisations hosting the next event

One of the organisations hosting the next event

(cover photo courtesy of Thomas William at Unsplash)

Coffee and chat for university & HE chaplains - new dates


Coffee and chat for HE chaplains is a weekly opportunity to come together (virtually) with other chaplains. There is no fixed agenda, so you can bring questions, ideas, things that are bothering you, celebrations …

Each session lasts an hour and concludes with time for reflection and prayer, in a very relaxed and gentle way, often with visuals and music.

Coffee and chat takes place alternately on Monday mornings at 10 a.m. and Thursday afternoons at 4 p.m. We use Zoom as the platform and the codes are available on this page.

Monday Coffee and Chat (10 a.m.)
February: 1, 15, March: 1, 15, 29, April: 12, 26

Monday coffee and chat Zoom code

Thursday Coffee and Chat (4 p.m.)

January 28, February: 11,25, March: 11, 25, April: 8, 22

Thursday coffee and chat Zoom code

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(cover photo by Nolan Issac at Unsplash)

Time to pray! For our schools... 24th Feb

As you may already know, FCG plays an active part in the work and mission of the Pray for Schools network. I have been part of their steering group over the last 4 years. I am pleased to be able to share with you that, following a dynamic and prayerful meeting this week, with over 80 participants, we are hosting another prayer times on 24th February from 12.30-1.15pm.

It was a privilege to be able to pray with over 80 school chaplains, education workers, youth and children’s leaders and other Christian agencies, including Association of Christian Teachers, Open The Book and Scripture Union.

You can register for this prayer time here:

We look forward to welcoming you on 24th Feb and praying alongside you, for our schools.

Let’s take heart, believing in Jesus’s wonderful promise that ….

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
— John 15:7 (NIV)

(Sara, FCG Media Support Officer)

(cover photo courtesy of Josh Boot at Unsplash)

Healthcare chaplains - tea and chat...

Tea & Chat - for mutual support.

A chance to chew over the week before you go home…..

For the next few weeks, there will be sessions on both Wednesdays and Fridays from about 3.30pm to 5pm. Everyone is welcome.

Zoom details: Meeting ID: 892 5230 8978 Passcode: 956743

Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy (pictured below), will host these events. Meg provides the leadership on Healthcare Chaplaincy work at a national level for the Free Churches as well as in a multi-faith context.

Rev Meg Burton

Rev Meg Burton

(cover photo courtesy of Manki Kim at Unsplash)