Lonely and isolated... Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers

Will you join us to pray alongside Prison Fellowship this Sunday?

Many of us are experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation in these strange and challenging times. Those who are serving custodial sentences are having a particularly tough and isolating time, with long periods in their cells, so please join us as we pray…

On the 14th February

Let us pray…

May the Holy Spirit be upon all those in prison cells today as they pray in the absence of chapel gatherings. Amen

Find out more about their work HERE. You can read and pray through their February Prayer Diary.

(cover photo courtesy of Noah Silliman @ Unsplash)

Praying for schools across Wales on 25th February - join us!

As you may already know, FCG plays an active part in the work and mission of the Pray for Schools network. I have been part of their steering group over the last 4 years. I am pleased to be able to share with you that, following a dynamic and prayerful meeting earlier in January and an inspiring steering group meeting recently, we are hosting a time of prayer for schools across Wales on 25th February from 12.30-1.15pm.

You can register for this prayer time here:

We look forward to welcoming you on 25th Feb and praying alongside you, for our schools across Wales.

Let’s take heart, believing in Jesus’s wonderful promise that ….

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

— John 15:7 (NIV)

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(cover photo courtesy of Zac Durant @ Unsplash)

Prison Fellowship - prayer diary for this month...

Why not join us as pray alongside Prison Fellowship this Sunday and in the days ahead?

For over 40 years, they have been working with, supporting and praying with and for prisoners across England and Wales. The Free Churches Group and our work in prison chaplaincy have worked with The Prison Fellowship (PF) for many years.

Find out more about their work HERE. You can read and pray through their February Prayer Diary.

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance
against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
— Colossians 3:13

(cover photo courtesy of Timothy Eberly at Unsplash)

Tea and chat - a time for healthcare chaplains to get together

Tea & Chat - for mutual support. A chance to chew over the week before you go home….. For the next few weeks, there will be sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Everyone is welcome.

Tuesday: 23rd February, 16th March, from 4-5pm.

Zoom details: Meeting ID: 847 3526 3933; Passcode 499408

Wednesday: 10th February, 3rd March, 24th March, from 4-5pm.

Zoom details: Meeting ID: 848 8989 8244; Passcode: 685885
18th February, 11th March, 1st April, from 4-5pm.

Zoom details: Meeting ID: 884 0930 9600; Passcode: 750073

Come and share what is happening in your situation,

so that we can support one another.

Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy (pictured below), will host these events. Meg provides the leadership on Healthcare Chaplaincy work at a national level for the Free Churches as well as in a multi-faith context.


(cover photo courtesy of Freddy Castro @ Unsplash)

MPA Faith-Based Leadership Course, University of Birmingham


Start date : April 2020

Duration : MPA: 2 years part-time

Course Type : Postgraduate, Taught

Fees : UK/EU/International: £9,000 each year, part-time for two years

Leading a faith community today is an increasingly complex and challenging task. Our MPA helps develop effective, equipped and well-informed leaders who can help their organisations maximise their impact for the good of society.

Today’s faith communities are often sizeable organisations with sophisticated educational, healthcare or social engagement projects and significant financial turnover. However, the initial training of faith leaders understandably focusses on their theological and pastoral skills, leaving many leaders with significant professional responsibilities and management challenges that they sometimes feel ill-equipped to confront.

The Birmingham Master of Public Administration in Faith-Based Leadership offers a globally-unique approach to faith leadership development, combining insight into organisational, administrative, managerial and leadership skills from negotiation to social entrepreneurship, from decision science to ethical purchasing, and from leading volunteers to intercultural engagement with a commitment to faith-sensitive application of these core principles on the ground in faith communities across the world.

The MPA is a two-year, part-time programme designed for senior and emerging senior leaders from across a variety of faiths, from faith-based organisations and from governmental and non-governmental organisations that deal with faith-based issues as part of their everyday life. Our programme is ideal for, for example, chairs of trusts, mosques, temples and gurdwaras, directors of companies and CIOs, bishops, area deans or equivalent, CEOs or COOs from faith-based organisations.

Applicants will ordinarily require a 2:1 or above at undergraduate level (or equivalent), three years’ experience in a leadership role at some level (not necessarily a senior yet), and will need to be employed or presently volunteering extensively in a leadership capacity, with the capacity to dedicate approximately 8 hours a week on average to their studies throughout the two years.

Apply via the Degree Apprenticeship Levy

If your organisation is based in the UK and pays the degree apprenticeship levy, or is prepared to apply for UK government support, it may be possible for 2021 admission only for funding which will cover most of the programme fees. Please contact us for more information on this.

Please visit HERE for more details.