Praying for the victims of crime...

Prison Fellowship invite to pray for victims of crime this Thursday. They encourage us to pray this prayer…

Loving God, we remember victims of crime.

We ask that God would bless them and bring them healing and comfort.

Living God, we thank You that You are able to use all of our hurt for Your glory.
— Amen

You can discover more about the life changing ministry of Prison Fellowship and find out ways you and your church can get involved HERE.


(cover photo courtesy of Nik Shuliahin @ Unsplash)

Seeking forgiveness, making amends...

Seeking forgiveness and making amends for the wrongdoings in our pasts are vital to be able to live well and flourish in our days ahead. We all know the feeling of being weighed down by things that we have done wrong and how these acts burden us. For those in prison, this can be a complex and challenging journey to wholeness. Prison Fellowship invite us to pray and would like to encourage us to pray for this Saturday, for people in prison.

Living God,

we pray for all people in prison who are coming to terms with

the impact of their offence.

Help them to seek forgiveness and make amends.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen

You can read more about the important work of Prison Fellowship HERE.

Pray continually
— 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

(photo courtesy of Karsten Winegeart at Unsplash)

Conference: School & College Chaplains: "People of Hope in times of change" June 9th

Over recent years, here at FCG we have been an active partner in the work and mission of the Centre for Chaplaincy in Education. We are delighted to announce that further information and how to reserve your place on the forthcoming conference in June are now available.

The conference is aimed at School and College Chaplains and will be held online on 9th June and on the following day there will be a retreat-style gathering.

The conference is entitled People of Hope in times of change. For further details and how to reserve your place:

The conference will provide a time and space for reflection and growth as we continue to connect with others.

We are excited to offer an ‘unprecedented’ full day and evening of keynotes, workshops and evening celebration with spaces for reflection and worship and opportunities for networking
— Centre for Chaplaincy in Education

A message of condolence from the Moderator of FCG, on the death of The Duke of Edinburgh

10 June 1921 - 9 April 2021

Death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh

On behalf of all the Free Church denominations across the nation I express our condolences to Her Majesty and all the Royal Family.

Together we pay tribute to His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh for his incredible example of faithful support and public duty. He has inspired many with his enthusiasm for life and selfless service.

We pray that we will all find the strength to express similar levels of inspirational commitment as we look back across his life with gratitude.

Rev Dr Hugh Osgood
Moderator of the Free Churches Group

(cover photo courtesy of Suhyeon Choi at Unsplash)

Dying Matters Week will be from 10th to 16th May 2021

This year, the Awareness Week will focus on the importance of being in a good place to die. There a range of resources and other information about this on the Dying Matters website.

Dying Matters are a network of organisations formed by Hopsice UK with NHS England and other partners whose aim is to raise awareness of dying, death and bereavement.

Dying Matters Awareness Week, running from 10 - 16 May 2021, is a chance for coalition partners, organisations and individuals to come together and open up the conversation around death, dying and bereavement.

Where people die is changing. More people than ever are dying at home in recent years, and the pandemic has seen this number leap by tens of thousands. We have very little evidence about the quality of these deaths, and whether the right care and support was in place.

There is no right or wrong place to die; it will be different for everyone. But it is important for families to think about it, to talk about it and to plan for it. At Dying Matters, we want people of all ages to be in a good place when they die - physically, emotionally and with the right care in place. Getting there means having some important conversations and taking some careful decisions.

During Dying Matters Awareness Week, we’re opening up the conversation around death, dying and bereavement and asking you to think about what it means to be in a good place to die.
— From the Dying Matters Awareness Week resources

(cover photo courtesy of Ekaterina Novitskaya at Unsplash)