Today we pray for willing hearts to partner with God in the pursuit of justice... praying for racial justice

Churches Together in England (CTE) joined on 25 May 2021 for #CandleOfJustice: a moment of action – commemorating the first anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. We are encouraged to continue throughout this week, and in the times to come, to pray and work together for racial justice.

An invitation to join the #CandleOfJustice prayers from CTE Pentecostal President Pastor Agu Irukwu… “O Lord, you are a God of justice, may we share your passion for justice…”

Thank you, Pastor Agu… and we continue to join with you in prayer as we pray these words…

Oh Lord, Every protest, every picket and every petition has been a cry to you for justiceEvery lament, every tear and every sigh has been a cry to you for justice You are the God of justice. “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;love and faithfulness go before you.” (Psalm 84:14) Justice belongs to you.

Today we pray for willing hearts to partner with you in the pursuit of justice.

We pray not just for ears to listen or eyes to see, but for hands to work and minds to think to bring about change for the better. Let this be more than a moment. Let this be a movement for change.

Oh Lord, we commit this prayer, our promises, and our plans for justice into your hands.

— CTE #candleofjustice prayer for Thursday 27th May (written by Clare Williams Founder of the Get Real Podcast)

(cover photo courtesy of Sam Rios at Unsplash)

Join us in a wave of prayer, throughout the nation, for racial justice...

Congregational Federation, one of the 51 national Member Churches of Churches Together in England and a member of Free Churches Group say, “To mark the anniversary of the killing of George Floyd, we joined with churches across the nation - united at 12noon, on 25th May - to light a #CandleOfJustice, pray and commit to taking personal and institutional action to tackle racism in our society and our churches.” Join with them and churches from across England, as we pray continue to together….

Oh Lord,
Every protest, every picket and every petition has been a cry to you for justice
Every lament, every tear and every sigh has been a cry to you for justice
You are the God of justice. “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;
love and faithfulness go before you.” (Psalm 84:14)
Justice belongs to you.
Today we pray for willing hearts to partner with you in the pursuit of justice.
We pray not just for ears to listen or eyes to see, but for hands to work and minds to think to bring about change for the better. Let this be more than a moment. Let this be a movement for change.
Oh Lord, we commit this prayer, our promises, and our plans for justice into your hands.
— Clare Williams Founder of the Get Real Podcast

(cover photo courtesy of Priscilla Du Preez at Unsplash)

Public Panel Discussion: "No Child Left Behind: Digital Poverty & Roma Child Poverty" 2nd June

On 2nd June, Eurodiaconia are hosting a Public Panel Discussion on Zoom on the vital and timely topic of: "No Child Left Behind: Digital Poverty & Roma Child Poverty."

As part of a British Council some years ago, I was privileged to be able to work alongside teachers working with Roma families and saw the life changing work being done by Christian groups with other agencies, to ensure equality of access to education. The work I undertook was in UK, Spain and Romania, as part of a Grundtvig project.

This Europe-wide panel discussion, coming up next week, will highlight some of the key issues facing Roma children today with regards to lack of access to digital and other technologies which are used in educational delivery. (NB - event starts 9am UK time, 10am Brussels time)

Sara Iles, media support officer

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Praying today and all week, for racial justice

Churches Together in England joined on 25 May 2021 for #CandleOfJustice: a moment of action – commemorating the first anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. We are encouraged to continue throughout this week, and in the times to come, to pray and work together for racial justice.

O God, the creator of the human race, we thank you for the wonder of our being and for creating us in your image and likeness. Open our hearts to give unconditional positive regard to all human beings, seeing each other as having the same needs, and build a world where freedom, justice, love, truth, unity, and peace prevail. Let no negative perception inform our judgement of other people. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
— Fr Mark Odion, Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales

“On 25th May, we joined our friends from @ChurchesEngland, on the anniversary of George Floyd's murder, to light a #candleofjustice and pray that God's justice would be seen and for hearts to be changed by His love,” says the Free Churches Group.

Join us in the days to come as we pray together.


(cover photo courtesy of KTMD Entertainment at Unsplash)