Doing Justice - Service of reflection on the first anniversary of the murder of George Floyd

As part of our week of prayer for racial justice with CTE #candleofjustice we share with you a service of reflection on the first anniversary of the murder of George Floyd…

Pray with us, this week and in the days to come…


This prayer was written by CTBI’s Director of Inclusion Richard Reddie, and CTE’s Principal Officer for Pentecostal, Charismatic and Multi-cultural Relations Shermara Fletcher.

(cover photo by Prateek Gautam at Unsplash)

Prayers for racial justice

To mark the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, Churches Together in England (CTE) is sharing daily prayers on racial justice from their Member Churches. Today we pray together…

Oh Lord, let your light shine in people’s hearts that the false philosophy that one nation is superior than the other becomes disqualified, Lord, help us to bend our knees, to kneel and bow before The King of Glory, and to pray that the love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will melt people’s hearts and disperse hatred and prejudice, and impress upon them the truth that ALL PEOPLE ARE CREATED EQUAL without exception!
— Archbishop Costakis Evangelou, International President, Ixthus Church Council

(cover photo courtesy of Ben White at Unsplash)

Prison Fellowship prayers on Trinity Sunday

As we come to the end of another month of prayer with Prison Fellowship, we are invited to pray on this Sunday - Trinity Sunday… Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer…

As we celebrate and reflect on God as Trinity; we pray for the relationships of people in prison. We pray that they would be a source of life and love, akin to our relationship with the triune God. Amen
— we pray

The new Prison Fellowship Prayer Diary for June will be available soon - you can find out more, how to volunteer, ways to join in prayer, making donations and learning about how your church can support the vital work of the Prison Fellowship:

(cover photo by James Coleman at Unsplash)

Public Panel Discussion: "No Child Left Behind: Digital Poverty & Roma Child Poverty" on 2nd June

As part of a British Council some years ago, I was privileged to be able to work alongside teachers working with Roma families and saw the life changing work being done by Christian groups with other agencies, to ensure equality of access to education. The work I undertook was in UK, Spain and Romania, as part of a Grundtvig project (Sara Iles, FCG media support officer).

This Europe-wide panel discussion, coming up next week, will highlight some of the key issues facing Roma children today with regards to lack of access to digital and other technologies which are used in educational delivery (event on 2nd June starting at 9am UK time, 10am Europe time)

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(cover photo by Christian Wiediger at Unsplash)