"God of all creation Help us to see each other through Your eyes so, we can appreciate the beauty of diversity and difference...."

To mark the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, Churches Together in England (CTE) is sharing daily prayers on racial justice from our Member Churches. Today we pray together…

God of all creation
Help us to see each other through Your eyes
So, we can appreciate the beauty of diversity and difference.

Help us to walk in Your strength
So, we can challenge inequality and fight injustice.

Help us to feel with Your love
So, we can hold each other with compassion and kindness.

Help us to experience Your peace
So, we can comfort those who are broken and suffering.

Lord, help us to be more like You.


Written and shared by Jennifer Laurent-Smart, Equality & Diversity Manager, The Salvation Army

(cover photo by Timothy Eberly at Unsplash)

"O God of love..." join as we pray for racial justice

To mark the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, Churches Together in England (CTE) is sharing daily prayers on racial justice from our Member Churches. Today we pray together…

O God of love and Giver of oneness of heart, Who grants the true oneness of mind towards virtue; Who has also granted unto us, through Your Only Begotten Son, the new commandment that we love one another as You have loved us... We ask You, O our Lord, grant us, throughout our lifetime on earth, and more especially at present, thoughts that do not recall to memory former evil deeds, and a conscience without hypocrisy, but grant us faithful thoughts and a heart full of fraternal love.
Prayer of Reconciliation; Coptic Orthodox Liturgy of St Cyril, shared as part of the daily prayers for racial justice by Fr Morkos Fakhry, Coptic Orthodox Church, Diocese of London.

(cover photo by Jack Sharp at Unsplash)

The power of prayer and working together for racial justice...

To mark the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, Churches Together in England (CTE) is sharing daily prayers on racial justice from our Member Churches. Today we pray together…

"We are all the poorer for the crushing of one man, since the dimming of the Light anywhere darkens us all."

A reflection from the Book of Discipline, Quaker Faith and Practice, offered in ministry by British Quaker Michael Sorensen in 1986, shared on this day of prayer for racial justice by Elaine Green, Clerk, Quaker Committee for Christian & Interfaith Relations.

(cover photo courtesy of Diana Simumpande at Unsplash)