Forty years faithful

The Prison Fellowship of England and Wales was set up in 1979. Since then they have been working with prisoners, showing the love of Christ to those in prison and their families.

PF’s mission is to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them. We seek through prayer and practical care to help, support and develop a Christian ministry to prisoners and their families.

They do this through their network of volunteers, and have over 2,500 volunteers. They are currently involved with almost all of the 120 prisons in England and Wales.

Your church can get involved HERE.

To celebrate this anniversary there will be a special event at Westminster Abbey on 30th March (2-4pm) - Rev Bob Wilson of the FCG will be there and many others - you can reserve your place HERE.

The FCG support chaplaincy across prisons and you can read more about our vital work in this field HERE.