Is children's and young people's mental health getting worse?

This is a challenging question, with some worrying trends starting to emerge, so says a recent report from the NHS, as reported on the BBC news.

Many of us experience mental health issues at some stage in our lives and we may know children and young people in our churches and communities who are struggling right now with low esteem, poor mental health and anxiety.

You can read the report from the BBC HERE.

What can we do, as churches?

We can pray for our children and young people. We can pray for the services which support them at times of need.

We can pray for the work of our Free Church Healthcare Chaplains.

We can make our churches spaces where children and young people feel at ease to raise issues affecting them.

Perhaps there are ways that your church could support schools, youth groups and colleges pastorally?

Premier, a Christian broadcasting association have reported recently on this important topic and shared news about Action for Children Blues Programme - there may be activities and support groups as part of this programme running near you.

In your church lobby, why not display a Childline poster so those visiting can get free confidential advice and support if they need to?

You can also find out more about how to support children and families with online security here.