Pray for Schools Fortnight coming soon!

The vision of Pray for Schools fortnight is to bring together people from local churches and others involved in education – parents, students, teachers, governors, staff and volunteers – to pray strategically for schools in their area and those involved in them.

Coming soon - get involved! From 12th to 26th May 2019

The vision of Pray for Schools fortnight is to bring together people to pray for schools in their area.

At our recent FCG Residential, we heard all about the amazing work which Pray for Schools does - you can read more about this work and pray with us HERE. FCG play an active and dedicated part of the life, mission and witness of the work of Pray for Schools.

Lord, teach us to pray! Even though our God is awesome, holy and almighty we can still to come right into His presence – when we come in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Prayer has to be one of the most amazing gifts God gives us – what an incredible privilege it is to talk with Him about the issues on our hearts. And know He hears and answers!

Photo courtesy of Unsplash by Charlein Gracia