Thy Kingdom Come

Free Thy Kingdom Come resources - limited amount only

Pre-order resources for 2023 - now open!

This year we are giving away almost ¼ million free resources. Including 50K copies each of both the Novena & Prayer Journal and 100K free bookmarks - all you have to do is pay for P&P.

To order your resources, click the link below. 

For more information, please visit HERE..

Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.

For more information please see the Thy Kingdom Come website.

***2023 resources available for pre-order.***
NB: Stocks due to be ready around 30th March 2023.

Care for those you are praying for, pray for those you are caring for...

Thy Kingdom Come have produced and shared some inspiring and helpful materials to help us all to… care for those you are praying for, pray for those you are caring for…

As we pray for our friends, family and neighbours to come to know the hope, peace and love of Jesus, how can we show God's love towards them? There are many ways to do this - not just individually, but perhaps as a worshipping community and / or group of churches, how could you witness to your local community during this time?

During these difficult and trying times, we believe that now more than ever, presents an incredible opportunity for the Church worldwide, to unite in prayer so that our family, friends and neighbours will come to know the love and peace of Jesus Christ for themselves.

You can review these here. Please feel free to share.

From Thy Kingdom Come website: 'It was only a drop in the ocean, was really nothing at all, it had no impact, caused no effect, made no change. It was only a drop in the ocean, a single tear shed for a stranger, a mere drop of compassion no one saw. It was only a drop in the ocean, a few slices of bread simply shared, a chat on the phone made on impulse, simply to show someone care.' By JK

(photo courtesy of Nils Nedel at Unsplash)

Holy Week and Easter activities for all

For many Christians across the world, Holy Week and Easter will be celebrated at home. And although we may not be able to gather in person, we can celebrate Easter in a number of different ways. Here are some activities you can do, either on your own or as a family, to journey through this sacred season.

Thy Kingdom Come and partners have shared a range of resources and activities for all this Easter…. lots to explore below…

Will you share the joy of Easter and #SingResurrection on Sunday?

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland are encouraging Christians in the UK, to be part of a countrywide chorus of well-loved hymns at 10.00 am (GMT) on Easter Day. You can sing from the comfort of your own doorstep, along with your neighbours to celebrate our Risen Lord and King, Jesus.  What a potentially wonderful witness this could be the wider community? Full details can be found here. 


There are lots of other resources you can check out too, including this offering from The Methodist Church.


(photo courtesy of Alicia Quan at Unsplash)

Pray for Schools Fortnight coming soon!

The vision of Pray for Schools fortnight is to bring together people from local churches and others involved in education – parents, students, teachers, governors, staff and volunteers – to pray strategically for schools in their area and those involved in them.

Coming soon - get involved! From 12th to 26th May 2019

The vision of Pray for Schools fortnight is to bring together people to pray for schools in their area.

At our recent FCG Residential, we heard all about the amazing work which Pray for Schools does - you can read more about this work and pray with us HERE. FCG play an active and dedicated part of the life, mission and witness of the work of Pray for Schools.

Lord, teach us to pray! Even though our God is awesome, holy and almighty we can still to come right into His presence – when we come in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Prayer has to be one of the most amazing gifts God gives us – what an incredible privilege it is to talk with Him about the issues on our hearts. And know He hears and answers!

Photo courtesy of Unsplash by Charlein Gracia

Every school a prayed-for school

The Free Churches Group has been an active partner with Pray for Schools for many years.

The Steering Group of Pray for Schools met earlier in March to pray for and plan for how to engage even more churches in praying for our schools.

Does your church pray for the local schools?

Would you like to find out more? Check out the latest events, resources and news HERE.

Pray for Schools Fortnight is coming up soon - 16-29 May. Find out more and how to get involved HERE.

The steering group is made up of many Christian groups who are involved in education, some of whom are featured in the photo from our latest meeting, which includes partners/guests from:

Open The Book

Prayer Spaces in Schools

Youth for Christ


Church of England

Scripture Union


You can read more about the work that FCG are doing in the field of education HERE.