Read all about it!

Lost of good news and progress happening in The Free Church Education Committee (FCEC)!

Lots of prayer sheets and case studies you can share in your churches too!

The FCEC along with working groups commissioned by the Free Churches Group, have published a number of documents and papers which you can access and download below. We have also added references to other relevant reports, from ecumenical partners, from the field of education and chaplaincy, which you may find interesting.

You can read all about our work in the field of education and download some prayer flyers from the link HERE.

Read more about the work of the Committee here; join us in prayer for the work we undertake with our group members, partners and member churches.

Loving God… we know that there is always so much work to be done, challenges to overcome and things to be celebrated.

Be with the FCEC as they go into their forthcoming phase of work. The Committee has their next meeting later in October, so we pray for God’s mercy and grace to inspire them with courage and wisdom, as they seek to pursue their work.

We pray that they will encourage FCG members churches / groups to get involved and develop links with their communities schools, colleges and universities and do this to your glory. In Jesus’ name, we pray.


(photo courtesy of Patrick Tomasso at Unsplash)