A prayer for students...

The Student Christian Movement has been active members of the FCG Working Group for Higher Education over the last few years. You can read more about this Group here.

Today we are sharing a prayer written for the SCM by Chine McDonald….

Why not share this prayer at your house group or on a coming Sunday at your church?

“Never-changing God,

At a time when we see fragmentation all around us, may we stand steady on the rock that cannot be shaken. As students find themselves in the hubbub of university life, may they find your still small voice.

As our identities are shaped and moulded by all that is around us, may we see ourselves as you see us.

As we seek to bring your light and life into our world, may we find the life in all its fullness that comes only from you.


(photo courtesy of Ryoji Iwata at Unsplash)