Prisoners find freedom through Scripture when jail door slams behind them...

The Bible Society has shared an inspiring and thought provoking article. It tells us about a prison chaplain called Liberté who has encountered life changing transformations for prisoners when they have access to and read the Bible!

Liberté says, “Many inmates languishing in jail have hit rock bottom and feel there is nowhere else to turn.” She says that is when they are likely to open up a Bible and start reading. Read more about this inspiring work here.

Bibles, which are provided by those donating to the Bible Society, are being snapped up by prisoners almost as soon as they arrive in prison libraries! You too can be part of this campaign and give a donation so that Bibles can be offered to those in prison, giving prisoners hope and freedom through Scripture.

Find out more and make a donation HERE.

Why not pray for this prison ministry? You can be guided in prayer or even post a prayer yourself by visiting our prayer tree here.

(photo courtesy of Aaron Burden at Unsplash)