Student Sunday - join us praying on 16th February

On 16th February, join students and churches as we pray to mark the Universal Day of Prayer for Students (UDPS) or 'Student Sunday'. 

The Universal Day of Prayer for Students is coordinated by the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF), and has been celebrated since 1898, making it one of the oldest ecumenical days of prayer. It is marked on the third Sunday of February every year, serving as a tangible sign of our common life, connecting student movements and WSCF friends across the world. The Student Christian Movement has produced a pack called Known By Name.

Free Churches Group invite all our member churches and groups to unite in prayer for the world, the church, students, and  WSCF itself on 16th February 2020.

You can find out more about the work FCG are doing

in the field of higher education and university life

to support churches, students and communities,

as well as download some free prayer sheets and resources HERE.

(photo courtesy of J'Waye Covington at Unsplash)