Hope in Crisis

Vivienne Manley, a Specialist Maternity Services & Palliative Care Services Chaplain, has shared a newly produced booklet, entitled Hope in Crisis, with our Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy, Revd Meg Burton.

The booklet has been carefully put together and sensitively written; it has already been a great comfort to many.

Concerning the booklet, Revd Ian Inglis (a hospital chaplain) writes: “It’s such a beautifully presented booklet and [healthcare] staff have found it a joy and inspiration, even when they personally haven’t lost someone, but they are coping with the pain, suffering and loss of patients on the wards so much.  I suspect that some have also found the booklets helpful when we have lost staff members as well.”

We are grateful to Vivienne for sharing this resource with us. Please feel free to share this booklet and may it be a comfort to those it reaches.

(photo courtesy of Arto Marttinen at Unsplash)