A deeply poignant prayer and a personal reflection from a hospital chaplain... and more

A deeply poignant prayer and a personal reflection from a hospital chaplain - these are among the latest updates on the healthcare page this week…

May these be a blessing, a comfort and an encouragement to you in your ministry and Christian life…

There is:

  • A prayer - Gentle Presence

  • Reflections from a lead chaplain in a hospital

  • A number of personal reflections from various healthcare chaplains

You can find out more and explore these reflections and materials HERE.

Each week, Revd Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy for the Free Churches, gathers and shares a range of supportive and informative communications with Healthcare Chaplains. Although these are primarily aimed at those working in healthcare chaplaincy, many others may find the content encouraging and helpful in their life and ministry.

Meg provides the leadership on Healthcare Chaplaincy work at a national level for the Free Churches as well as in a multi-faith context.

(photo courtesy of Reign Abarintos @ Unsplash)