
Pray for Schools Fortnight coming soon!

The vision of Pray for Schools fortnight is to bring together people from local churches and others involved in education – parents, students, teachers, governors, staff and volunteers – to pray strategically for schools in their area and those involved in them.

Coming soon - get involved! From 12th to 26th May 2019

The vision of Pray for Schools fortnight is to bring together people to pray for schools in their area.

At our recent FCG Residential, we heard all about the amazing work which Pray for Schools does - you can read more about this work and pray with us HERE. FCG play an active and dedicated part of the life, mission and witness of the work of Pray for Schools.

Lord, teach us to pray! Even though our God is awesome, holy and almighty we can still to come right into His presence – when we come in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Prayer has to be one of the most amazing gifts God gives us – what an incredible privilege it is to talk with Him about the issues on our hearts. And know He hears and answers!

Photo courtesy of Unsplash by Charlein Gracia

Meeting together....

The Free Church Education Committee met at the end of March to pray for and plan the next steps in our education strategy. We were hosted, with great welcome, at the Westhill Endowment and had an edifying time of discussion and working together. Our opening devotions, led by our Committee Chair, Julie Grove, were based on Faith Exhibit paintings by Rev Elizabeth Gray-King. You can find out more about hiring these works and other faith based pieces HERE.

Pictured are some of the members of the Free Church Education Committee

You can find out more about our work in the field of education with our Free Church members here and get your church involved in this vital work.

Religious Education Matters

The FCG, through the Education Team, has had active representation on the RE Council of England and Wales for many years.

The RE Council says: “The ability to understand the faith or belief of individuals and communities, and how these may shape their culture and behaviour, is an invaluable asset for children in modern day Britain. Explaining religious and non-religious worldviews in an academic way allows young people to engage with the complexities of belief, avoid stereotyping and contribute to an informed debate.”

You can find out more about the work of the RE Council and register for its newsletter at the bottom of this page linked HERE.

There are lots of interesting debates, resources and links from across the worlds’ religions in each newsletter. One of those recently featured is from Barnabas in Schools. You may find these materials featuring ideas and worksheets from Christianity Around the World interesting.

You can read more about the Barnabas in Schools resources HERE.

Photo courtesy of Ant Rozetsky at Unsplash

Every school a prayed-for school

The Free Churches Group has been an active partner with Pray for Schools for many years.

The Steering Group of Pray for Schools met earlier in March to pray for and plan for how to engage even more churches in praying for our schools.

Does your church pray for the local schools?

Would you like to find out more? Check out the latest events, resources and news HERE.

Pray for Schools Fortnight is coming up soon - 16-29 May. Find out more and how to get involved HERE.

The steering group is made up of many Christian groups who are involved in education, some of whom are featured in the photo from our latest meeting, which includes partners/guests from:

Open The Book

Prayer Spaces in Schools

Youth for Christ


Church of England

Scripture Union


You can read more about the work that FCG are doing in the field of education HERE.

Are you a chaplain working in FE in the West Midlands?

Then this event is for you!

If you’re a chaplain working in an FE college in the West Midlands region, you’re invited to join a conference on Wednesday 15 May at the Priory Rooms, Birmingham! The day includes contributions from Prof. Trevor Cooling (on spiritual development in secular settings), Garry Neave (on the current state of FE chaplaincy), stories from chaplains around the region, and plenty of scope to share ideas and good practice. The conference is organised by Phil Metcalf, WM regional FE chaplaincy ambassador (a three year ecumenically funded role*), and the WM Churches’ FE Council.

You can find out more information and book your place HERE.

The Free Churches Group are committed to developing and enhancing our member churches’ capability to engage with the local FE sector - you can read more about this work HERE.

Please join with us as we continue to pray for the staff and students in our FE sector, particularly our FE chaplains.

Let us pray.

Living God, we pray for students, tutors and support staff in the further education establishments in our area. May students be filled with strength, determination and wisdom to fulfill their potential in their vocational and academic studies.

In the name of Jesus, we pray.


You can download and share a helpful little flyer for your church about churches and FE HERE