
Latest news from Pray for Schools including prayer resources

Prayer Opportunities! The latest news from our friends at Pray for Schools!

We especially need prayer for the new school year.           
Many children won't have sat in a classroom for 6 months. Some have been bereaved or suffered in other ways. Headteachers have been inundated with recommendations and guidelines and need great wisdom as they get ready. Psalm 145:18 and 9 reminds us: 'The Lord is close to all who truly pray to him.  He gives those who fear him what they want.  He listens when they cry, and he saves them.' 

Education Sunday is 13th September - resources  based on lectionary readings;  with the theme: A learning people in a time of change” is at:         

Thru-hike for schools Global initiative to pray for the schools of the world. Paul Gibbs  of Pais is prayer walking across N England for two weeks from 7 September.  'It remains my passion to see every school in the UK have a Church praying and actively seeking to serve it.'                                                          

Praying online:  We're sure you, like us, have experienced the blessing of praying on Zoom or Teams. We hope many groups will meet in this way to pray about local schools going back in September.   

Brand new resource  10 ways to Pray for Schools is a printable pdf. We'll let you know when printed leaflets in packs of 10 are available.   

Save the date! 21 September: Prayer Spaces in Schools and Youthscape joint virtual conference (free day of keynote presentations, live webinars, breakout discussions and Q&A with a wide range of schools’ work practitioners and experts)  

Do let us know your news and have a relaxing summer break. 

Jane and Claire

Jane Newey                                           Claire Wall
PFS England Coordinator                                  PFS Wales Coordinator
E:   E:

(photo courtesy of Aaron Burden at Unsplash)

HE chaplains' coffee and chat meetings... a weekly get together starting on 13th August

HE chaplains are invited to virtual “Coffee and chat” sessions on a weekly basis from mid-August.

Here are the dates for the HE chaplain’s coffee and chat meetings:

Coffee and Chat (tea and any other beverages are equally acceptable! )
This will be a time – about an hour- where anyone who would like to can connect. There will be time for prayer and reflection and time to chat, share ideas, ask questions – whatever you like.

Dates: Thursday 13 August 4 p.m., Monday 17 August 10 a.m., Thursday 27 August 4 p.m., (Bank Holiday so no Monday meeting on 31 August), Thursday 10 September 4 p.m., Monday 14 September 10 a.m., Thursday 24 September 4 p.m. 
We will send the Zoom code to chaplains on our list before the first event, but please get in touch if you’re not sure if you’re on the list and wish to be included:

(photo courtesy of Milada Vigerova at Unsplash)

Support for Free Church Higher Education Chaplains

The Higher Education Working Group has been in discussion with a number of Free Church chaplains in universities and has begun a programme of events to support them. The first of these events was a webinar: “Chaplaincy: ministry on the edge”, exploring the value of chaplaincy in universities.

  • Professor Kristin Aune, from the University of Coventry, shared insights from the recent research Chaplains on Campus;

  • Sally Bentley, recently-retired Executive Dean from the University of Bedfordshire spoke about the value of chaplaincy to the institution;

  • Stephen Heap, Chair of the HE Working Group, explored the churches’ perspective. 48 chaplains registered for the event. A recording is available HERE.

HE chaplains will be invited to virtual “Coffee and chat” sessions on a weekly basis from mid-August. Another webinar is planned for 9 September, exploring how community can be created when you can’t meet in person, led by Lawrence Moore.

(photo courtesy of Naassom Azevedo at Unsplash)

Get ready for Education Sunday: A learning people in a time of change

Education Sunday is on 13 September this year.

A range of resources is being developed, including an online service, ideas you can use if you are meeting in church, and outlines for collective worship in schools. They’ll be available shortly on

There are two ways in which you can make a contribution to Education Sunday before September:

  • Write a prayer about education, connecting with the theme. Anyone of any age is invited to do this.

  • Think about what you have learnt in this time of change. Write it down and send it, ideally with a photo of yourself (stating your permission for us to use it). You might have learnt something about yourself, something about your community, something about God – we’d love to know, and we’ll include these in our online resource.

If you’re sending a prayer or telling us what you’ve learnt, please send them to:

(photo courtesy of Joanna Kosinska at Unsplash)

Pioneering work in Religious Education: Anti-racist RE

The Free Churches Group is working with RE Today Services and Methodist Schools to create a free resource for Anti-racist RE.

Lat Blaylock from RE Today Services, the lead developer of the resource, said, 

“I’m really pleased to be working with the Free Churches Group, the Methodist Church and a wide range of teachers of RE from black, Asian and other minority ethnic communities on a resource project for anti-racist RE. It has been really pleasing to gain the interest of many hundreds of schools already in this work. We’ve begun developing resources that will challenge learners in RE lessons to think more carefully about race. We hope to engage with questions of justice, religious perspectives and ways to reduce prejudice and the harms it causes. RE has a very long commitment to enabling learning from diversity, but I do think we are currently needing refreshed approaches to the challenges posed by questions about racial justice.”

The resource will be available for schools from September and will be free to download and use from the Free Churches Group website.

The project follows the success of Reforming Christianity, a resource that the same team developed, and which is available on the Free Churches Group website

Both projects have been funded by the Westhill Endowment, meeting the need to provide more resources in RE that reflect Free Church perspectives.

(image below from RE Today Services, cover photo by Agence Olloweb at Unsplash)
