
Today is a BIG day!

The 13th of August is a big day for all Year 13 students as it is A level results day!

Festive, the Christian education charity for sxith forms and further education invite us to pray today…

Big decisions will be made about the next few years. Some students will be elated and others bitterly disappointed.

Pray for Christian students to handle their results well, and to know how to support their non-Christian friends. Amen


We pray for those in our families, communities and churches who are getting their results today…

May they be upheld and guided by God’s grace and mercy… Amen


Over the last few years, FCG has researched, written and published a number of interesting and helpful reports and resources linked to churches and further education which you may be interested in exploring…

(photo courtesy of Ilya Somin at Unsplash)

Ten ways to pray for schools

As you may know, the Free Churches Group has been an active and dedicated member of the Pray for Schools steering group for many years. Our work with them has been ongoing throughout recent months and we know that primary and secondary schools, as well as the wider education sector have been facing considerable challenges in recent months. They are in need of and grateful for our prayers and concern…

Across the UK, we are invited to pray for our schools. A helpful prayer sheet has been designed to help guide us in our prayers for schools, inspired by verses from Holy Scripture.

You can read and pray through this HERE.

Please feel free to share with your church and community groups too.

Father, please pour out Your blessings upon our whole school community so that everyone grows in the knowledge of Your truth, love, wisdom and peace. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.

Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.’

John 16:24 (NIV)

** Note for your diary - 17th November - Pray Day for Schools **

(photo courtesy of Kelly Sikkema at Unsplash)

Building community in a virtual world - webinar for HE chaplains on 9th September

A free webinar for HE Chaplains is coming up soon… on 9th September (from 2pm-3.30pm)

In these strange times and in the days ahead, chaplains in universities are faced with new opportunities and challenges in building community, so this webinar aims to support them to face this challenge and create new ways of working.

Universities are managing their return in a variety of ways, with more activities and formal input happening online, and fewer staff and students on campus. Lawrence Moore, Church Mission and Discipleship Consultant, has been been building communities online for many years. In this webinar, he will help HE chaplains to look at theological perspectives underlying community-building, and explore the new opportunities for chaplains to connect with students and staff in a changed environment.

Latest news and prayers from the Christian charity who work in further education - FESTIVE

The Free Churches Group has been developing productive working relationships with Festive, the Christian charity who actively engage with the Further Education sector. We have been doing this to strengthen strategic links and to empower our FCG member churches to be able to engage more with the world and the life, issues and joys of Christians in FE (see link to FCG church resources below). (Festive stands for Further Education and Sixth Form Initiative).

You can read the latest news from Festive HERE. Why not subscribe HERE to their newsletter so you can keep in touch with their work?

In the month’s edition, there is lots to read, learn about and pray for, including….

  • Prayer for students & workers in FE

  • Interview with Miriam Lay, who supports a Christian Union in the north east

  • Some updates for your prayers

“For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus

and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you,

remembering you in my prayers..” Ephesians 1:15

You can find out more about the work FCG has been doing in the world of further education and check out our resources to support churches HERE.

(photo courtesy of Scott Webb at Unsplash)

Latest news from Pray for Schools including prayer resources

Prayer Opportunities! The latest news from our friends at Pray for Schools!

We especially need prayer for the new school year.           
Many children won't have sat in a classroom for 6 months. Some have been bereaved or suffered in other ways. Headteachers have been inundated with recommendations and guidelines and need great wisdom as they get ready. Psalm 145:18 and 9 reminds us: 'The Lord is close to all who truly pray to him.  He gives those who fear him what they want.  He listens when they cry, and he saves them.' 

Education Sunday is 13th September - resources  based on lectionary readings;  with the theme: A learning people in a time of change” is at:         

Thru-hike for schools Global initiative to pray for the schools of the world. Paul Gibbs  of Pais is prayer walking across N England for two weeks from 7 September.  'It remains my passion to see every school in the UK have a Church praying and actively seeking to serve it.'                                                          

Praying online:  We're sure you, like us, have experienced the blessing of praying on Zoom or Teams. We hope many groups will meet in this way to pray about local schools going back in September.   

Brand new resource  10 ways to Pray for Schools is a printable pdf. We'll let you know when printed leaflets in packs of 10 are available.   

Save the date! 21 September: Prayer Spaces in Schools and Youthscape joint virtual conference (free day of keynote presentations, live webinars, breakout discussions and Q&A with a wide range of schools’ work practitioners and experts)  

Do let us know your news and have a relaxing summer break. 

Jane and Claire

Jane Newey                                           Claire Wall
PFS England Coordinator                                  PFS Wales Coordinator
E:   E:

(photo courtesy of Aaron Burden at Unsplash)