
Nine days to go... until Education Sunday

Education Sunday 2020 will take place on Sunday 13 September.

The theme for 2020 is "A learning people in a time of change".

There are all sorts of inspiring and interesting resources for you to share in your churches, home groups and networks… You can access all the materials HERE.

Among the content available, there’s an outline for a time of all age worship, prayers and sermon notes. There is also a wonderful film (which will be premiered on 13th Sept at 9.30am).

More about the film…. “This act of worship was created by the United Reformed Church Children's and Youth Work national team and friends on behalf of Churches Together in England. It will premiere on Education Sunday, 13 September 2020, and will remain active for viewing after that date. Join us as we celebrate as a Learning People in a Time of Change.” (image below is a ‘still’ from the film)

(cover photo courtesy of John Thomas at Unsplash)


Prayers for keeping schools safe...

I cherish being part of the Pray for Schools steering in my education role with the FCG.

And I have a passion for prayer and for our schools. And I know our schools need our prayer and care in these times more than ever…. so join with me and the partners and friends of Pray for Schools as we pray for schools…

Pray for Schools have developed a wonderful prayer resource to help us all to be guided through the support of verses from the Holy Scriptures, to pray for the needs of our schools.

Over the next ten week days, I will be sharing one of these prayers, so we can pray them together.

Prayers for keeping schools safe...

Search for peace, and work to maintain it.

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right,

and His ears are open to their prayers.’

1 Peter 3:11,12 (NLT)

Let us pray:

God our Saviour, please keep our schools safe and secure, protected from accidents and other problems. Restrain anyone who might cause harm to children and adults in any way.


(photo below from PFS website and cover photo from Humble Lamb at Unsplash)


Calling all chaplains in HE! Time for a cuppa, prayers and catch up on 10th Sept

At some time each week we are pleased to be hosting a time for prayer and reflection for HE chaplains. If you are working in HE or universities as a chaplain or as part of the mission of a chaplaincy team there, you are invited to virtual “Coffee and chat” sessions on a weekly basis (tea and any other beverages are equally acceptable! ) This will be a time where anyone, who would like to, can connect.

There will be time for prayer and reflection and time to chat, share ideas, ask questions – whatever you like.

Here are the dates for the HE chaplain’s coffee and chat meetings:

  • Thursday 10 September 4 p.m.;

  • Monday 14 September 10 a.m.;

  • Thursday 24 September 4 p.m. 

We will send the Zoom code to chaplains on our list before the first event, but please get in touch if you’re not sure if you’re on the list and wish to be included:

(photo courtesy of Natanja Grün at Unsplash)

Back to school...


Let us pray…

Good Shepherd,

Please reassure and strengthen children returning to school In England and Wales after so much disruption.

Give them confidence as they go into new classes, maybe apprehensive about changes that will affect their learning, friendships and other aspects of school life.


Shared courtesy of Pray for Schools

Dates for your diary

Education Sunday 13th September

UK wide Day of Prayer for Schools 24th September

Pray Day for Schools 17th November

(photo courtesy of Brennan Martinez at Unsplash)

Education Sunday is coming up soon!

Education Sunday will be celebrated on 13th September this year. You can download and share the prayers and resources for this year HERE.

The theme for for this year is: A learning people in a time of change.

At this start of the new academic year, may I share this gathering prayer, which I wrote in 2017, as part of the Education Sunday materials:

Let us come together and pray…

Loving God, Gather us in from north, south, east and west, from city, town and village.

Gather us together, in your name, as your church, to praise your Holy name.

Gather us and let your kingdom come. Let us rejoice in your glory and grace.

Gather us, like fragile saplings, at the start of this new term / new season*, eager to learn, even if we feel unsure. Let us know we are always rooted deep in your love. Give us strong branches to reach out in trust.

Gather us, as we draw close to Christ, listening to Jesus’ words. Let us be sustained by his ministry and saving love.

Gather us ever closer to you when we know we have let ourselves and others down. Let us know your reassurance and the promise of forgiveness, so we can start afresh, this term / this season.*

Gather us around the glow of the Holy Spirit; the Spirit that gives us fire in our hearts to yearn for and work for justice. Let us be inspired and transformed to embody the change we want to see in the world.

Gather us, like threads, from all walks of life, from schools, colleges and universities; from homes and workplaces; from places of transition and refuge. Let us be woven together, in your name, to create a haven of hope and wonder for all; to make a rich and diverse tapestry of love and life in all its fullness, which reflects your Holy image.

Gather us and strengthen us to serve in the world; to reform all that is unjust; to reshape and cherish the planet, to nurture the earth, as you intend.

Gather us and empower us, living God, to share the Good News of your grace and mercy.

In the name of Jesus, our friend and teacher.


Prayer by Revd Sara Iles, Congregational Federation in Wales and FCG Media Support Officer

(cover photo courtesy of Nathan Anderson @ Unsplash)