
The church and social cohesion!

Join us this Thursday for what is going to be a fantastic launch event for a very special report we are releasing in partnership with Theos Think Tank

Please do join us as we would love to have you there.

The report looks at the relationship between the Church and social cohesion in England. The project has been conducted by Theos, the UK’s leading think tank on religion and society issues.

The Report will be launched tomorrow

At the launch, there will be an online webinar

and a series of news articles to support our

member churches to get involved.

This will all contribute to the ways we can share the good news

of the report among our church congregations, communities and wider networks.

The event is part of a series of webinars on Thursday hosted with FaithAction which you can book your place at!


Join us for the launch - building back better - the church and social cohesion - this Thursday

Join us this Thursday for what is going to be a fantastic launch event for a very special report we are releasing in partnership with Theos Think Tank

Please do join us as we would love to have you there.

The report looks at the relationship between the Church and social cohesion in England. The project has been conducted by Theos, the UK’s leading think tank on religion and society issues.

The Report will be launched on 26th November 2020.

At the launch, there will be an online webinar

and a series of news articles to support our

member churches to get involved.

This will all contribute to the ways we can share the good news

of the report among our church congregations, communities and wider networks.


Building Back Better Conference: The Church and Social Cohesion, 26th Nov 2020, 10:30AM

The launch of a report from the Free Churches Group assessing the impact of churches on social cohesion.

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Date and Time: Thu, 26 November 2020, 10:30 – 11:30

Location: Online Event, booking via Eventbrite

The toxicity of the Brexit debate, a summer of Black Lives Matter protests, and the struggle to balance personal freedom with group responsibility throughout the COVID-19 pandemic have not only made clear how vitally important social cohesion is, but have also underlined that cohesive societies do not just happen by accident. Rather, time and effort are required to build up social capital over time – and this report particularly uncovers the many ways in which the nation’s churches are offering this time and effort in abundance.

The Church and Social Cohesion: Connecting Communities and Serving People is the culmination of a major research project commissioned by the Free Churches Group and prepared by Theos think tank, which has consulted with over 360 people in England to assess the churches’ social cohesion contribution on the ground.

In contrast to the crisis-driven approach of the major cohesion policy interventions of the last 20 years, The Church and Social Cohesion concentrates on the range of church-based assets that are fostering positive cohesion outcomes away from the headlines: buildings, social networks, convening power, leadership, volunteer capacity, and (perhaps most importantly) vision for the transformation of their communities. Moreover, it observes the Christian motivations behind this day-to-day community engagement, and unpacks the different ways these motivations can play out in the churches’ relationships with other organizations, whether public sector representatives, other faith communities, or indeed other churches.

Finally, it offers a number of practical recommendations for how both churches and policymakers can maximize the churches’ potential to foster social cohesion in the community. Churches are an important element of the nation’s social fabric, and the cohesiveness of our societies will grow stronger if churches and policymakers alike recognize the distinctive assets that they have to offer.

Join us for the virtual launch of this report, hosted by FaithAction, to listen to a presentation from Theos on the findings of the report and participate in a panel discussion chaired by the Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP featuring:

Hugh Osgood, Moderator of the Free Churches Group
Madeleine Pennington, Head of Research at Theos
Rev Dr. Joel Edwards CBE, formerly of Evangelical Alliance and Micah Challenge International
Manmit Bhambra, Research Officer at the LSE’s Religion and Global Society Research Unit

Booking available via Eventbrite HERE.

*This event features as part one of FaithAction's three-part conference - Building Back Better: The Role of Faith. See HERE to book the rest of the day's events and the event flyer here.

Interfaith Week event: 11th November - Faith in a Pandemic

The event will take place online on Weds 11th of November from 7.15pm – 8.30pm.

In order to take part you need to register for your free place through Eventbrite, using this link:

You will then be sent the Zoom link so you can join the meeting between 7.00pm and 7.15pm

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Ageing and ageism in the Commonwealth - free webinar on 30th Sept from 3-4.30pm

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the rights and needs of older persons. While everyone has been affected, evidence shows that older people are among those most at risk of complications from the disease, with fatality rates for those over 80 years of age five times the global average. They are also at greater risk of poverty, discrimination and isolation. Older persons have been hit particularly hard by the virus itself but it has been the failure to protect their rights in the response that has led to unnecessary deaths, unmet health and care needs, increased isolation, discrimination and stigma.

This webinar will:

  • Recognise the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing and dignity of older persons across the Commonwealth

  • Raise awareness of ageism, stigma and discrimination against older people in the COVID-19 response and the need to foster intergenerational connections across the Commonwealth

  • Reflect on how The Commonwealth needs to adapt to ensure the rights of its citizens of all ages are respected.


    To find out more and register for this free event - click HERE.

    Esteemed speakers and presenters from across the UK and the Commonwealth are pictured below

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