Dying Matters Awareness Week 11th to 17th May - leaflets available here

The Dying Matters Awareness Week runs all this week, through until 17th of May.

The theme is -

Dying to be Heard

"Talking about dying and death is the last taboo. People who are dying can feel very isolated,” reports Revd Meg Burton, the Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy for Free Churches. Meg goes on to say that…” Often, when people do want to talk, their relatives don't, because they find it too hard to accept that their loved one is dying. This Awareness Week is looking at dying from the dying person's perspective and will give ideas for people to help encourage conversations."

Dying Matters is led by Hospice UK and aims to raise awareness of dying, death and bereavement. They have produced a range of leaflets on this year’s theme - Dying to be Heard - you can review and download these using links below.

No.1 - Things to do before you die 

Print ready version to take to a professional printers here

No.2 - Supporting bereavement
Print ready version to take to a professional printers here

No.3 - Let's talk about dying
Print ready version to take to a professional printers here

No.4 - Talking about dying with people affected by dementia
Print ready version to take to a professional printers here

No.5 - Talking about dying with children
Print ready version to take to a professional printers here
Dying to be heard leaflet
Print ready version to take to a professional printers here

(photo by Sara Iles, FCG Media Support Officer)

Ready for the new “normal”

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The United Reformed Church has published a discussion paper for Church leaders to consider as they consider what they need to do once we begin the process of emerging from the current Coronavirus-related restrictions.
“Ready for the new “normal”:

A discussion paper for a pandemic recovery and resumption plan” is divided into three sections:

  1. A Road Map for Reflection: where we are, how we travel forward

  2. Resuming Activities in Shared Physical Space: questions to help with planning

  3. Taking stock, reviewing principles, doing things differently.

Church leaders may find the document helpful in considering new opportunities post lockdown and how to address the challenges facing them. As the writers conclude: “The world has changed. It cannot go back to how it was, and in many, many ways, neither should it seek so to do”.

A discussion paper is available to download here →.

Dying Matters Awareness Week begins today...

The Dying Matters Awareness Week begins today and runs through until 17th of May.

The theme is -

Dying to be Heard

"Talking about dying and death is the last taboo. People who are dying can feel very isolated,” reports Revd Meg Burton, the Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy for Free Churches. Meg goes on to say that…” Often, when people do want to talk, their relatives don't, because they find it too hard to accept that their loved one is dying. This Awareness Week is looking at dying from the dying person's perspective and will give ideas for people to help encourage conversations."

You can find out more about the work of Dying Matters during this week of action and reflection, dedicated to raise awareness HERE.

Dying Matters is led by Hospice UK and aims to raise awareness of dying, death and bereavement. Dying matters… End of Life care, for those who are dying, their relatives/carers and staff, is one of the core activities for healthcare chaplains. FCG hosted the round-table discussion concerning end of life care and they were very well received.

Our FCG Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy, Meg, has gathered, compiled and share all sorts of resources linked to ministry in healthcare settings and at end of life. You can read these HERE.

(photo by Sara Iles, FCG Media Support Officer)

"Coffee and Cake - get together 4pm" each Friday for school and college chaplains

The pattern of meetings and our ability to get together in person has changed much over the last few weeks. - so we are pleased to share that the Centre for Chaplaincy in Education are be hosting a ‘Coffee and Cake’ chaplains’ chat each Friday at 4pm.

Friday Coffee 'n' Cake (bring your own!) for Chaplains in Schools and Colleges 8th May 2020

Every Friday for the foreseeable future, Maggie Everett, the Centre’s Lead Development Officer, will be hosting a ‘coffee and cake’ hour on Zoom, for all chaplains in schools and colleges. Come and join in with others, (sorry you will need to bring your own coffee and cake!) and have a chat about what’s happening with you, your community/ies and the wider world. Invitation:

Topic: Coffee and Cake

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 0639 4114

Password: 780537

Sarah Lane Cawte, our Free Church Education Officer, has been working closely with this group and other partners over recent months and there are some exciting developments in the field of chaplaincy in education which you can read about here.

(photo courtesy of Melissa, a 15 year old Gateway college student)

Some helpful reflections and poems for life and in death, for ministry and communities

Revd Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy for the Free Churches, has been writing, gathering in, compiling and sharing a range of supportive and informative communications with Healthcare Chaplains. Although these are primarily aimed at those working in healthcare chaplaincy, many others may find the content encouraging and helpful in their life and ministry.

You can find out more and explore these resources and materials HERE.

These will be updated on a weekly basis.

Content so far includes:

  • Words of comfort at end of life: end of life readings and blessings.

  • A reflection from the Chaplaincy Team: Edges.

  • Funeral at home.

  • Sunday night Vigil.

  • Prayers at the close of life.

  • Act of Commemoration: An invitation for each Thursday at 1pm.

  • Funeral service for a baby.

  • Chaplaincy reflections - must we go in? by Simon Harrison, President of College of Healthcare Chaplains

  • A Hospital Beatitude: a poem

  • I am a piece of heaven: a poem

  • We have to be candles: a poem

  • Lockdown Psalm

These can all be downloaded and shared HERE.

(cover photo courtesy of a young person who was in a hospital school)