Ageing and ageism in the Commonwealth - free webinar on 30th Sept from 3-4.30pm

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the rights and needs of older persons. While everyone has been affected, evidence shows that older people are among those most at risk of complications from the disease, with fatality rates for those over 80 years of age five times the global average. They are also at greater risk of poverty, discrimination and isolation. Older persons have been hit particularly hard by the virus itself but it has been the failure to protect their rights in the response that has led to unnecessary deaths, unmet health and care needs, increased isolation, discrimination and stigma.

This webinar will:

  • Recognise the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing and dignity of older persons across the Commonwealth

  • Raise awareness of ageism, stigma and discrimination against older people in the COVID-19 response and the need to foster intergenerational connections across the Commonwealth

  • Reflect on how The Commonwealth needs to adapt to ensure the rights of its citizens of all ages are respected.


    To find out more and register for this free event - click HERE.

    Esteemed speakers and presenters from across the UK and the Commonwealth are pictured below

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Day of Prayer for schools across the UK... 24th September

As you may already know, the Free Churches Group has been an active member of Pray for Schools, for many years, along with other partners across the UK. This work is supported by the Care and includes lots of agencies such as Youth for Christ, Association of Christian Teachers and Scripture Union.

As part of this work and the mission of Pray for Schools, we invite you to join in a day of prayer on Thursday 24th September.

The Pray for Schools press release says,  “Our friends at Pais are initiating nationwide prayer for UK schools and we're joining in….                    

Pray for Schools is hosting 3 Prayer Zoom sessions led by:- 
   9am: Celia Bowring of CARE,
   1pm: Jane Newey of Pray for Schools 
   6pm: Tim Cole of the Association of Christian Teachers. 

We will use Ten Ways to Pray for Schools and premiering our ‘Prayerwalk for Schools’ video!

We'd love you to join in.
Click on this Eventbrite link for details   
Please tell others - everyone warmly welcomed!
Jane and Claire

Jane Newey                                      Claire Wall
PFS England Coordinator            PFS Wales Coordinator

PS Click on 'YouTube' below the image on the right to listen to the recent CAREcast on praying for schools!”

(cover photo courtesy of Pray for Schools website)


Trauma and Response: A Theological Reflection, Free Webinar


Free Church Healthcare Chaplains Annual Study Day is an opportunity to step back, draw breath and reflect on the impact of the experience of trauma.

Wed, 4 November 2020
14:00 – 16:00 GMT

The Free Churches Group is hosting the Annual Healthcare Chaplains Study Day on the subject, "Trauma and Response: a theological reflection". This is an opportunity to step back, draw breath and reflect on the impact of the experience of trauma. Our thoughts will be led by Rev Sue Shortman, a Methodist Minister in the Birmingham District, with opportunities for discussion in break-out groups.

This event is organised by the Healthcare Chaplaincy Steering Committee on behalf of the Free Churches Group and is aimed at Free Church Chaplains, but others of different denominations, faith/belief groups, are welcome to attend.

This event will be held via Zoom. Booking is now open via Eventbrite here.

Login information will be sent to you by email nearer the time. For more information please contact Revd Meg Burton at

Photo courtesy of Katherine McCormack at Unsplash.

Praying for Christian students and staff...

On our final day of these ten days we have dedicated to praying for our school, we pray for Christian students and staff.

‘You are the light of the world ... let your good deeds shine out for all to see,

so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.’

Matthew 5:14-16 (NLT)

Let us pray…

Dear Jesus, please inspire and equip those in our schools who love You to be faithful, loving, bold and wise ambassadors for the gospel, through their words and lives wherever they are.



I would like to take this opportunity to thank Care and Pray for Schools for inspiring us to pray through these recent times.

You can download and share the Ten Ways to Pray for our Schools sheet HERE.

Thank you all too for joining in with us!

Dates for your diary:

UK wide Day of Prayer for Schools 24th September

Pray Day for Schools 17th November

(photo courtesy of Ben White at Unsplash)

Praying for coronavirus' effect on schools

Today, we join with the partners and network of Pray for Schools and share this reading and prayer together, in the challenging yet hope-filled times…

‘The Lord is close to all who call on Him ... He grants the desires of those who fear Him;

He hears their cries for help and rescues them.’ Psalm 145:18,19 (NLT)

Let us pray…

Lord, please provide our teachers and pupils with all they need in the aftermath of Covid-19.

Help children to readjust and to continue to thrive and enjoy their learning, especially those most affected by lockdown.


(photo courtesy of Anna Samoylova at Unsplash)