Pray for Schools

For many years, the Free Churches Group has been active members of the Pray for Schools network. It is wonderful to be part of such an amazing body of faithful praying people.

There are all sorts of resources, events, prayer diaries and further information on how to pray for schools below.

And watch this space - Pray Day is coming up next month - 17th November

(photo courtesy of Fa Barboza at Unsplash)

United in lockdown

United in lockdown - this is the theme for the week of prayer hosted by Prisons Week (11th -17th October).

Rt Revd Rachel Treweek, Bishop of Gloucester, Church of England Bishop for Women’s Prisons writes, “Prisoners know all about lockdown in ways which are far starker than the ‘stay at home’ experience people have lived during the viral pandemic. However, beyond the walls of prison people of all ages have had to learn how to navigate uncertainty and many people feel fearful, bewildered and out of control. In past months there was a loss of freedom to be with loved ones, even when at the point of death. For some people there has been overwhelming pain and sadness. Some people have felt lonely and isolated whilst others have longed for space away from other people. All of this is experienced within the walls of prisons 365 days a year.”

You can get involved and download the poster and prayer sheet here. There is also a deeply moving film which has been made for sharing and marking this week of prayer - You are not alone.

Rt Revd Rachel Treweek goes on to say, “This Prisons Week as we pray for all those connected with the criminal justice system in any way, including all prison staff and families of prisoners as well as prisoners themselves, let us not talk of social distancing but rather of physical distancing. Let us pray for social connection and restored relationship and an openness to the generous love of God who longs to draw close to every individual person, treasured and known by name. We pray that amid both places of brokenness and beauty there might be a discovery of inner freedom and peace which is rooted in the love, hope and peace of God revealed in Jesus Christ and present through the power of the Holy Spirit, never locked down.”

(photo courtesy of Paul Garaizar at Unsplash)

Hope in a Crisis... a free booklet

Vivienne Manley, a Specialist Maternity Services & Palliative Care Services Chaplain, has shared a booklet (recently updated) entitled Hope in a Crisis, with our Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy, Revd Meg Burton.

The booklet has been carefully put together and sensitively written; it has already been a great comfort to many.

Concerning the booklet, Revd Ian Inglis (a hospital chaplain) writes: “It’s such a beautifully presented booklet and [healthcare] staff have found it a joy and inspiration, even when they personally haven’t lost someone, but they are coping with the pain, suffering and loss of patients on the wards so much.  I suspect that some have also found the booklets helpful when we have lost staff members as well.”

We are grateful to Vivienne for sharing this resource with us. Please feel free to share this booklet and may it be a comfort to those it reaches.

(photo courtesy of John Towner at Unsplash)

Healthcare chaplains - tea and chat today at 3.30pm

Tea and Chat! Rev Meg Burton, the Free Churches Secretary for Healthcare invites you…

Every Friday afternoon between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

Feel free to join for as short or as long a time as you wish.

A chance to 'chew the cud' about your week before going home for the weekend or a chat about anything.

Zoom meeting ID: 870 5327 8978. Password: 669993   

You can find out more about the work the Free Churches does in the field of healthcare and download helpful resources HERE.

(photo courtesy of Loverna Journey at Unsplash)

You are not alone... launch of the resources to support Prisons Week

You are not alone. This is the title of a poignant film made for the Week of Prayer for Prisons, as part of Prisons Week this year - this special week of prayer has the theme of United in Lockdown.

Prisons Sunday – the second Sunday in October – marks the beginning of the week of prayer each year, running through until the following Saturday. This year the week will run from 11th - 17th October.

Please feel free to share the links to the film and the prayers (which also includes a poster format for display) in your churches, homes and communities.


For forty years now, Prisons Week has prepared prayer literature to enable the Christian community, through individuals and churches, to pray for the needs of all those affected by prisons: prisoners and their families, victims of crime and their communities, those working in the criminal justice system and the many people who are involved in caring for those affected by crime on the inside and outside of our prisons.

Prisons Week raises awareness and generates prayer. It motivates volunteers to step forward and give their time and gifts, in prisons and in their own communities. It provides an annual focus and reason for Christians to work together, building capacity and motivation to make a difference for people who are out of sight and often out of mind.

(photo courtesy of Tom Allport at Unsplash)