Interfaith Week event: 11th November - Faith in a Pandemic

The event will take place online on Weds 11th of November from 7.15pm – 8.30pm.

In order to take part you need to register for your free place through Eventbrite, using this link:

You will then be sent the Zoom link so you can join the meeting between 7.00pm and 7.15pm

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Tea and chat - a get together for healthcare chaplains - dates for the rest of the year!

Rev Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare chaplaincy, warmly invites you to join her and other chaplains from across the sector, for Tea and Chat Zoom sessions - 3.30 to 4.30pm.

These are the dates for the rest of the year:

  • Friday 23rd October            

  • Wednesday 28th October

  • Friday 6th November           

  • Wednesday 11th November

  • Friday 20th November        

  • Wednesday 25th November  

  • Friday 4th December           

  • Wednesday 9th December

  • Friday 18th December         

  • Wednesday 23rd December

  • Wednesday 30th December

Friday Zoom Meeting ID:870 5327 8978 Password: 669993

Wednesday Zoom Meeting ID: 892 5230 8978 Password: 956743

To read more about the work of the Free Churches with healthcare chaplaincy:

(photo courtesy of Kowit Phothisan at Unsplash)

Revd Helen D.Cameron elected as Moderator-elect to serve from April 2021


Helen will work alongside Hugh Osgood for the first year and become the Moderator of the Free Churches Group in April 2022. We are very pleased about this appointment and look forward to working with Helen.

The Revd Canon Helen D.Cameron is a Methodist presbyter and Chair of the Northampton District of the Methodist Church. She is a former theological educator at the Queen’s Foundation in Birmingham where she was involved in the formation of Methodist, URC, Anglican, and Pentecostal student ministers and has served as Assistant Secretary of the Methodist Conference. She worked on the implementation of the Safeguarding Past Cases Review Report for the Methodist Church from 2015 and was influential in establishing supervision for ministers and those exercising pastoral ministry. She has written, “Living in the Gaze of God - supervision and ministerial flourishing’ published by SCM in December 2018. She believes that accountability is a key part of flourishing in ministry for both lay and ordained. She enjoys reading novels and theatre. She is married to Iain, a GP, and has three adult children.

I regard it as a very great privilege to have been elected as the next Moderator of the Free Churches Group and to be able to serve the Free Churches Group in this way. I am a committed ecumenist and for many years lived and taught student ministers in the ecumenical community of the Queens Foundation in Birmingham. What that experience gave me was a foundation to my Christian experience which helped me to know that difference was to be celebrated as a gift of God (rather than a threat) and that Christian unity was a fundamental part of a convincing and confident Christian witness. I know that I am enriched by the breadth of the traditions and the practice of the churches that make up the Free Churches Group and look forward to learning more about and working with all of the member churches. I am a Methodist presbyter who currently serves as Chair of the Northampton District of the Methodist Church and I have served previously as Assistant Secretary of the Methodist Conference. I value the work of the Free Churches Group particularly its work in developing chaplaincy in health care, education and prison communities and believe such ministry is vital in our public expression of faithful witness.
- Helen Dixon Cameron

Fridays at 3.30pm - tea and chat for healthcare chaplains

As usual, we are pleased to say that Rev Meg Burton (pictured below) invites healthcare chaplains for Tea and Chat!

Every Friday afternoon between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

Feel free to join for as short or as long a time as you wish.

A chance to 'chew the cud' about your week before going home for the weekend or a chat about anything.

Zoom meeting ID: 870 5327 8978.

Password: 669993

(photo courtesy of Miti at Unsplash)



A warm welcome to Emily - the new project manager for The Welcome Directory

The mission of The Welcome Directory is to help faith communities welcome people leaving prison… and we are delighted to welcome Emily to the role of Project Manager. Emily started the job last week and has already been making excellent progress and getting to grips with the vital, varied and dynamic work of The Directory!

Emily joins the Welcome Directory as Project Manager, having worked in the development and humanitarian sectors for 9 years, supporting staff, partners and communities of different faiths overseas. She has experience leading a global team, project managing the logistics operations and building capacity for the geographical portfolios for which she was responsible at Tearfund. More recently, this included procurement proposals and budgets with institutional donors in response to the pandemic.

Emily (pictured below) has volunteered with a homeless project run by local churches and is passionate about positively impacting and engaging communities on issues of social justice. She is excited to be a part of an organisation that strives for second chances and fair opportunities for those leaving prison. Emily is keen to mobilise faith communities in achieving transformation, so that individuals can again have hopes, dreams and most importantly a future. 

A personal note from Emily: 
“I am so excited to be joining an organisation that sees potential, values people and recognises the role of faith communities. Whilst the world still battles on with Covid19, approximately 6,500 individuals still continue to leave prison each month. Finding places of welcome is just as crucial as before. The Welcome Directory has already registered 126 faith communities and we have an ambitious and yet exciting strategy to expand our directory. That means many more opportunities for prison leavers to find belonging, experience compassion and acceptance. And that’s what I love about the Welcome Directory. It would be great to hear from you: either what your faith community is already doing or if you would like to get involved!”

The Welcome Directory - helping faith communities welcome people leaving prison

Project Manager for The Welcome Directory - welcome Emily!

Project Manager for The Welcome Directory - welcome Emily!