Connecting Communities, Serving People, The Church & Social Cohesion

Connecting Communities, Serving People, The Church & Social Cohesion will take place on the afternoon of 30th September and be hosted at Liverpool Town Hall.

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This event flyer is available to download HERE.

'Leave them certain' is the theme of this year's 'Organ Donation' Week

Leave Them Certain is the theme for this year’s Organ Donation Week.

Organ Donation Week is coming up later this month. This is an awareness raising week from 20th - 26th September. This campaign aims to encourage us to talk to their loved ones about organ donation as families are always involved before organ donation goes ahead, so that when we die, we can leave them certain about our wishes… That conversation could be the most powerful thing you ever do to help save lives!


For further information about this year’s campaign and how you, your churches and your families can get involved in the discussions about this vital issue.


This is an issue which matters to all of us and we are glad that a couple of years ago Free Churches Group, working with the Blood Transfusion and Organ donation services, facilitated a one day conference with our member churches and groups. This was a useful event to help us to raise the profile and importance of these services, particularly for our churches who have members from Black, Asian and other ethnic communities. We would like to continue to encourage more blood and organ donors from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities to come forward to meet the needs of patients from across our communities. Certain conditions, such as sickle cell and thalassaemia, are more prevalent within these communities.

(cover photo courtesy of Camilo Jimenez at Unsplash)

A month until Prisons Week - Revd Bob Wilson invites us to join together in prayer

There’s a month to go until the start of a week of prayer for Prisons Week.

You are invited by Revd Bob Wilson, Secretary for Prisons Chaplaincy and Free Churches Faith Adviser, to join with churches and groups across the country, for a week of prayer for prisons.

This year the theme is Consider the Ravens, inspired by Jesus’s words in Luke’s Gospel.

You can access the prayers and other thought-provoking resources HERE.

Join us to pray for the needs of all those affected by prisons: prisoners and their families, victims of crime and their communities, those working in the criminal justice system and the many people who are involved in caring for those affected by crime on the inside and outside of our prisons.

(cover photo courtesy of I.am_nah at Unsplash)

The power and vital ministry of writing to a penpal in prison

We all know how wonderful it is to receive a letter from a friend or to write to a friend, so they have the joy of reading a letter from us. Prison Fellowship host a letter writing project for volunteers to have penpals who are in prison. The letters have such a positive and uplifting impact on those who both send and receive them. On International Literacy Day, we are invited by Prison Fellowship to pray alongside them for their Letter Link work.

Let us pray

Living God, we pray for all our volunteer letter writers and their penpals in prison.

We remember that literacy levels are below the national average for those in prison. So, we pray for encouragement, persistence, and a real sense of friendship as they write.

God, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen

My volunteer has been there for me through some tough times. When I was down and thought of taking my own life, it was the letters of encouragement that kept me strong. There needs to be more people like this in the world.
— Letter Link participant

(cover photo from the Letter Link section of the Prison Fellowship website)

Chaplaincies and Inter Faith Week 2021


Inter Faith Week 2021 will take place in England, Wales and Northern Ireland from Sunday 14 to Sunday 21 November.

Several organisations participate, from faith groups and schools to sports organisations, local authorities, cultural institutions, hospitals, and hospices.

This year there will be a focus on chaplaincy.

Why not get involved and put on an event to showcase the important work that chaplains do?

For further information, please follow the link HERE.