
Praying at a new level…

Thousands of young people, up and down the country, are getting ready to sit their GCE Advanced (A) Level exams at schools and further education (FE) providers. You may have children, Godchildren, nieces or nephews of your own who are busy revising.... or you may know of young people in your church and community who are awaiting the start of these... or you may just wish to be part of the wave of prayer surrounding all young people across the nation at this challenging time... Join us as we pray for them, as they prepare for and sit these important exams... 

Let us pray. Loving God, we ask to bless and uphold all those who are preparing for and sitting GCE A Level exams this year.

We ask that you give them courage and wisdom in their endeavours. We pray that you will sustain their teachers and exam invigilators in supporting the students and conducting the exams with integrity and diligence.

Living God, we know that this can be a time of stress and challenge, so we humbly ask for Christ's peace to prevail for all at this time. We pray that each and every student will be able to perform to the best of his or her ability. 

May they all know the courage and grace of God and bring to mind the passage from Philippians... "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." 

We ask all this in the name of Jesus, our teacher and friend, Amen

You can find out more information about Christian groups who work with FE students by checking out Festive HERE

Scripture reference from the New Living Translation - Philippians 4:13 

Learning really can transform your life!

When was the last time you learned something?

Was it on a course...., at a Bible study...., while listening to a sermon...., while reflecting in the summer sun...?

Learning has great power in it - it can feel daunting or inspiring or both to learn something new, but it is pretty much always transforming.... 

"Learning really can transform your life!" That's the message from Ruth Spellman, Chief Executive Officer, Workers’ Educational Association (WEA). You can read her full article HERE.

I recently took a course with the WEA on the ecology of the county I live in - it was so awesome to learn about the geology, botany and archaeology of where I live and walk every day! 

Each year in England the Learning and Work Institute encourage us to have a go at a new course, celebrate lifelong learning and get involved with learning in our communities.

You can read more about the Festival of Learning and get involved by clinking HERE


Sara Iles, Education Assistant, Free Churches Group 


Love to learn?

Did you know the root of the word for 'disciple' comes from the Greek word μαθητής or mathétés which means learner or student? 

What have you learned lately in the path of life following Christ? What have you learned to develop and grow in your wider life and practice?

We know this journey of learning is a lifelong one…

The Free Churches Group, through our work with the Further Education sector, are keen to get as many churches and individuals engaged in the practice of lifelong learning, so we can all live life, in all its fullness… you can read more about our work in the area by clicking HERE

What else could you learn? Well, there is a chance to get involved in the biggest celebration of lifelong learning in England in the coming weeks! It's called Festival of Learning and you can get involved and download ideas and course links HERE

There are hundreds of free taster courses and ideas to choose from - from art to web-design, to archaeology and creative writing. Why not have a go in Have a Go month in June?!

It's not too late...!

It's the final couple of days of Pray for Schools Fortnight - many churches, groups and individuals have been praying for their local schools… and so as the fortnight of prayer comes to an end on 24th May, in partnership with Thy Kingdom Come, we give thanks to God for all his mercies and grace, having a sense of gratitude for all the churches, groups and individuals who have been actively praying for their schools. May the schools, pupils, teachers and support staff feel the power of God's love surrounding and upholding them all…

** Perhaps this will inspire you to regularly pray for schools in your area? Why not ask your minister or visiting preacher to include praying for schools each Sunday? 

** A date for your diary! Pray Day for Schools 2018 will be on 20th November!

** Why not register your church or group for a prayer event? Get involved and let your schools know you care and are actively praying for them…

From Colossians 4:2-3 - "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ…"


Every school, a prayed for school? Is yours?

Join us as we continue to pray for schools, as part of Pray for Schools Fortnight.

Living God,

We ask that many more Christians will be prompted to pray regularly for the children, teenagers and staff in their local schools.

Please bless the ministry of Pray for Schools, which encourages and resources such individuals and groups.

In Jesus' name, we pray. 


The Free Churches Group are active members of the Pray for Schools Steering Group.

Pray for Schools Fortnight- 10th-24th May 2018 with Thy Kingdom Come - be inspired by Holy Scripture: from Colossians 4: 2-3 - "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ…"